Catching up with DRIME Thailand

One of our staff members went to visit the DRIME Thailand team last month to encourage them and do ministry with them. Here are some of the stories from the team members that she brought back with her…

“When people shared the gospel with me through words, I didn’t understand. I only understand God through the drama, so I want to share the gospel with other people who are like me and will understand the gospel through our dramas. It is really exciting and I love to share with people through drama. Every drama and action I pray that people will watch and understand the love of God. If only one person watches and accepts Christ, that would be worth it, even if we do ministry for 4 or 6 hours.” (Men)

Ministry conversation 2

“In the dramas, when I look at Jesus, it helps me understand more about Christ. When I do the dramas, as I play other characters, I realize what other people are going through. When doing the dramas, it helps me to understood the real story of the gospel that is more clear than when I just read my Bible.

One time I went to talk to an old lady, who came from the same area of my hometown. She was 60 years old. She told me this was the first time she had ever heard about Jesus – no one had ever told her about Jesus before. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to share about Jesus with her. She told me she used to see signs about Jesus in her hometown and she never understood what it meant, now she knows what it means. She wasn’t ready to accept Christ that day, but I am so grateful to be the first person to share Christ with her.” (Da)

“I had a deep hurt in my life that wouldn’t go away. One time I went to DRIME practice and we were practicing Please, a drama that shows an extended beating scene before Jesus goes to the cross. When I watched this, I realized that God received my suffering instead of me, and that I don’t need to suffer anymore, and that brought healing and freedom to my life. God has used the dramas to bring healing to my heart.” (Air)


“God has taught me about responsibility in my life. He helped me to grow in Christ more through my experience through DRIME. I don’t live with my family, but DRIME is like my family. We take care of each other.” (Akong)


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2019-07-19T05:04:54-04:00March 13th, 2013|