Keshans Story

Written By allan.self

Keshan’s Story

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4 Responses to “Keshans Story”

  • Sharon says:

    Wow Keshan –
    The light of the truth is in your eyes and on your face. You are loved; may God continue you to bless you and bathe you in his light!

  • Doris Beck Doris says:

    I agree Sharon!! the light of the Lord is definitely in Keshan’s face…what a powerful story!

  • Eric says:

    Keshan, that is a really good story! I think a lot of people can relate to that. It especially struck me when you mentioned how Jesus did not come for those who think they are perfect, but for people who know they don’t have it together, who know they are broken and need restoration.

  • Doris Beck Doris says:

    Glad you found our site Eric and are enjoying these ‘My Story’ videos!

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