Patricks Story

Written By allan.self

Patrick’s Story

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5 Responses to “Patricks Story”

  • Jennevieve says:

    These questions are very important. This is beautiful, but some people are deprived. Coming from this self- denial attitude in my home from a religious mother, ingesting it for myself and feeling the unhappiness that went with it as normal- my love for Jesus has always been available. I feel he led me to the enjoyment of things i did not have as a child. (as midlife crisis). Maybe in time i can let go as the Spiritualists do- be like Isaiah in a mountain, needing nothing but God emotionally.
    But emotionally, i use my physical comforts to cope with trauma I try to see Jesus in them.

  • Jennevieve says:

    Think of the child in wartorn country who sees red fish for the first time- Even in north america youth can be this emotionally disadvantaged. Perhaps we should also try to see the sick among us; and see them as different.

  • Jennevieve says:

    But when we face our own traumas, maybe to all of us we see the red fish as such sometimes.

  • Eric says:

    Patrick, that takes a lot of honesty. I too know what its like when a relationship with a girl doesn’t work out. Its amazing how clarifying situations like that can be in life to help see things clearly, to reflect and ask, what really am I putting my identity and hope in, and is it lasting?

  • Doris Beck Doris says:

    You are so right Eric, that is really does take honesty to admit what it is that we are craving! It’s so important that we do examine what we are putting our identity in and is it lasting. Especially as we grow older, many of those things also change so we are challenged in our thinking.

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