Share Where You Are Video provided by: TruthMedia Films

Dan Baliski experienced terrible tragedy with the loss of his son. But he let God work through him and he is now reaching out to others who are experiencing hardships. Are you going through hardships in your life? How can you live through pain while still ministering to others?

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God in every day conversations

Join the conversation with the following discussion questions:

1. God called Dan to the business world. Where has God called you to minister to this world?
2. How do you live your faith out amongst non-believers?
3. Dan has faced incredible loss with his son. Are you coping with tragedy and loss? How do you rely on God during tragedy? How can you be a witness through your pain?
4. How can you create a circle of trust with non-believers around you where they can share their life with you?
5. ow have others built into your spiritual life? How do you pass that along to others? More thoughts...
Give one or two specific examples of how you might invest in the lives of others in a way that has an impact both now and for eternity.
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