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    Malia's Story: Small Town Struggles

    Malia's Spiritual Journey: >I used to think that God and Jesus were just figures that were up in heaven watching us. They weren't really a part of my life except for when I needed them. I was in control of my life; I relied on myself to change and make things in my life better. I always thought there was something I could be doing to change the... >Full Story

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    Peggy and Spirituality

    spirituality and life purpose | discovering my purpose in life Daily Spirituality: >I think spirituality is a foundation of every aspect of our lives because it determines your moral values, your purpose and direction in life. My faith affects every part of my day to daily life -- how I relate to my classmates, how I see the field... >Read More

    Erika's Thoughts on Family and Spirituality

    my family | my faith The importance of family: >Family has been an important part of my life. Maybe even too important. Growing up, I did my best to obey my parents, thinking that if I was good, my family would be all right. I thought that doing good things like obeying them would be what would get me into... >Read More

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