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    Celeste's Thoughts on Spirituality

    my faith | how I changed My spiritual journey: >I used to be mainly interested in boys and relationships with boys. I also liked school, volunteering, and sports. Because I was so interested in boys and their approval of me, I made a lot of bad relationship decisions. I got involved sexually at an early age. >Growing up going to... >Full Story

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    Student Profile: Stuff about Celeste

    s my major | advice to students | who I am | spirituality Choosing my area of study: >I chose psychology and enjoyed it because it studies very interesting subject matter. >Psychology is a lot of work (esp. the honours thesis. It was crazy.) You have to read a lot. >If you do an honours thesis, pick... >Read More

    Student Profile: Stefanie

    choosing my major | university life | Stefanie facts | advice | Stef's spirituality Life as a Communication Student: >I decided to major in Communication only in my second year after realizing that I wasn't enjoying the Visual Art program. >The best thing about being a student in Communication is that most of the material is interesting....... >Read More

    Student Profile: Lenora

    choosing my major | university life | more about me | my spirituality Choosing my major: >I decided as a senior in high school what I would do. It was a surprise to come to the conclusion that I didn't want to be a music teacher. I felt lost for a year before stumbling into the idea of being a physiotherapist. >It... >Read More

    Student Profile: Chris

    university life | random facts | digging deeper | finding true success The Good and Bad of University Life: >The friends I made are definitely what was worthwhile and enjoyable about university. >Least favourable thing about university: my 8am classes. >The freedom that I had in first year of university was a challenging adjustment....... >Read More

    Lisa's Spiritual Journey

    Searching for Satisfaction >In high school I was curious about things my friends did, things like drinking, smoking, dating guys, swearing. I would lie to my parents about some of the things I did because I didn't think they would approve. For awhile it was fun to be included in these things; it was exciting and daring. I began to see... >Read More

    Student Profile: Jackie

    my major | advice | who I am | campus life | loving people | spirituality I love stories: >I'm someone who has always loved stories. My grandma fed my imagination when I was little by telling me fairy tales and filipino folk stories about monkeys, turtles and coconut shells! >Working on the high school yearbook combined my love...... >Read More

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