
He Goes By Dr. G

Written by Eric Reynolds

November 14, 2011

Trauma counseling removes barriers, explains Dr. G. He serves as the Director of Trauma Training in the ALERT division of GAiN and has lots to share on the topic.

Let’s say a person is drunk; you can’t share the gospel with them until they’re sober, right? The same is true if they are hungry. A growling stomach isn’t thinking about anything else but food.

Trauma is no different. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) inhibits people from understanding the gospel.

We learned this in Darfur where GAiN ministered. Even with medical help, housing, food, water, and sharing the gospel – they just stared into space.

Trauma happens at home too. The Christian who wants to serve God may be held back and require help getting free.

You can imagine, around the world, the different questions we get. We want to answer the tough questions people are asking and give them soundness of mind.

God has opened many doors for us: I’ve ministered in over 27 countries in the last five years. It’s amazing how quick they’ll let you into a country when you’re a clinical psychologist. In China, they don’t care that I’m a Christian, as long as the service is free!

When you’re involved in this work, people are always watching. We’re on the mission field all the time. Either we’re pushing people away from Christ, or we’re drawing them closer. There’s no in-between. Don’t you agree?

Dr. George F. Rhoades Jr. has his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and his own practice in Hawaii. He is on the Executive Committee on Trauma Psychology and also Chair of the Diversity and Multi-Cultural Concerns Sub-Committee with the APA. GAiN is thankful for his work with their organization over the past five years and was blessed by his update on ministry with GAiN. The following is a synopsis of trauma counseling and the way God is using it to bless people all over the world.

Thank you Dr. G for your work with GAiN. You are a living example that Jesus is the power to change.

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