Content Submission Form
Thank you for your interest in sharing your writing with us and the world!
Here are the important criteria to keep in mind when submitting your work:
- Length: Articles should be 500-1200 words in length.
- Style: Conversational writing. Includes both facts and commentary to make your writing interesting, engaging, and personal to readers.
- Organization: Include highlighted key words and meaningful sub-headings to make your article easy for our visitors to read or skim.
- Editorial guidelines: Please read through the editorial requirements and guidelines to learn our standards for publication.
- Note that submission of content is not a guarantee of acceptance for publication. We cannot publish all material we receive; you will be contacted if your work is accepted to be published.
My cards and pictures can help thousands of people come to GOD. Most people want to go to heaven but do not know how. My cards and pictures tell people what to say to get their.