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    Success With a Purpose

    My Spiritual Journey: >At school, we are sometimes bogged with homework, assignments, reports, etc.....leading to information overload. That is what I felt when I was in school....but I found that whenever I felt like throwing in the towel, and giving it all up, God gave me the strength to endure just a little bit more. Now that look back at... >Full Story

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    Joyce's Thoughts on Spirituality

    My spiritual journey: >In the Chinese culture, you're raised and encouraged to always be the best of the best. I lived for people's approval, to be praised by others. When people said I did a good job, I would feel valuable and confident. When there wasn't praise, I was unhappy. >I thought that God was just a story that people told.... >Read More

    Christina's story of healing

    my fantasy world | food and image | my hope in life Living in the real world: I struggle with living in reality versus living in my fantasy world. When I was a teen, I had no idea that my safe haven was living in my dream world. When I was upset, I would start dreaming about... >Read More

    Student Profile: Stefanie

    choosing my major | university life | Stefanie facts | advice | Stef's spirituality Life as a Communication Student: >I decided to major in Communication only in my second year after realizing that I wasn't enjoying the Visual Art program. >The best thing about being a student in Communication is that most of the material is interesting....... >Read More

    Student Profile: Chris

    university life | random facts | digging deeper | finding true success The Good and Bad of University Life: >The friends I made are definitely what was worthwhile and enjoyable about university. >Least favourable thing about university: my 8am classes. >The freedom that I had in first year of university was a challenging adjustment....... >Read More

    Ben's Thoughts on Life and Spirituality

    who I am | my spiritual journey The kind of person that I am: >I have a positive outlook and I'm very optimistic. My friends would say that I'm always smiling, that I do what I say, and that I'm going places in life. I take advantage of every opportunity. I know what it takes to succeed and I... >Read More

    Lisa's Spiritual Journey

    Searching for Satisfaction >In high school I was curious about things my friends did, things like drinking, smoking, dating guys, swearing. I would lie to my parents about some of the things I did because I didn't think they would approve. For awhile it was fun to be included in these things; it was exciting and daring. I began to see... >Read More

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