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    The Vital Dimension of Sex: Sexuality and Spirituality

    Powerful emotional factors can make it difficult for singles to wait or to stop. A longing to be close to someone or a yearning to express love can generate intense desires for physical intimacy. Many singles today want to wait but lack inner strength or self esteem. They may fear losing love if they postpone sex. Often sex brings emptiness rather... >Full Story

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    Reaching a Turning Point in University

      who can I trust? | spiritual realizations Life in university: >University is the most difficult thing I've ever done! Time management was the hardest thing I found in adjusting to university. I don't particularly like the competition either. >University is great because there's lots to do, and you get to meet many different...... >Read More

    Brent's Thoughts on Life and Spirituality

    who I am | changes in my life The kind of person that I am: >When nobody is watching, I'm a guy trying to get through life like everyone else. To me, just being myself means not worrying what other people think. >My dream? Having a Harley Davidson, having kids...I love family and would hate to be without... >Read More

    Mark's Life: Gaining Self-Confidence

    Mark and Spiritual Discovery: As a teen, I was often nervous around large groups of people or popular individuals who on the outside seemed to have it all. I often found myself following others, sometimes to my detriment. My lack of self-confidence sometimes got me into trouble when I followed my buddies. I got involved in some petty vandalism,...... >Read More

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