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    Celeste's Thoughts on Spirituality

    my faith | how I changed My spiritual journey: >I used to be mainly interested in boys and relationships with boys. I also liked school, volunteering, and sports. Because I was so interested in boys and their approval of me, I made a lot of bad relationship decisions. I got involved sexually at an early age. >Growing up going to... >Full Story

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    Healing from Abuse and Inadequacy

    Sherry's Spiritual Journey: >Spirituality is the core of who we are. In the formative years (teenage and especially university years), we make crucial decisions that affect the rest of our lives. For myself, I've learned to go for truth... to build my life on something that will not crumble in 30 years. Before I discovered that foundation...... >Read More

    Peggy and Spirituality

    spirituality and life purpose | discovering my purpose in life Daily Spirituality: >I think spirituality is a foundation of every aspect of our lives because it determines your moral values, your purpose and direction in life. My faith affects every part of my day to daily life -- how I relate to my classmates, how I see the field... >Read More

    Erika's Thoughts on Family and Spirituality

    my family | my faith The importance of family: >Family has been an important part of my life. Maybe even too important. Growing up, I did my best to obey my parents, thinking that if I was good, my family would be all right. I thought that doing good things like obeying them would be what would get me into... >Read More

    New age fun with language for every day terms

    Today's culture is one that has a greater awareness of various kinds spirituality and practices. As a part of the Global Village, our society has developed a habit of pillaging terms and ideas from other cultures and applying them to our own home life. In the spirit of modern spirituality, what shall be presented here is an explanation of how...... >Read More

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