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    Student Profile: Christina Talks About Life

    life lessons | laughing and loving | family | heartbreak | spirituality Learning about life in university: >University brings the challenge to live out of my comfort zone -- everything is unfamiliar because my parents have for so many years set the guidelines I live by. And suddenly I have to learn everything and make all the decisions.... >Full Story

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    Study skills: How to write effective essay exams in college and university

    What is a well written answer to an essay question? It is... Well Focused Be sure to answer the question completely, that is, answer all parts of the question. Avoid "padding." A lot of rambling and ranting is a sure sign that the writer doesn't really know what the right answer is and hopes that somehow, something in that overgrown jungle...... >Read More

    Study Skills: Assignment Tips for College and University

    adapted from Steve Douglass Ah, assignments & a dreaded part of a course but usually a fair chunk of your grade. Consider these tips in getting your papers and projects done. Hand it in! Always turn your homework in, even if it may be late.Of course, on time is the better choice unless you can somehow guarantee no loss of marks for... >Read More

    Advice to Freshmen (First Year) Students

    I was hopelessly naïve in my first semester at university. It took me over a month to realize I didn't have to go all the way across campus to staple my assignments; I could in fact staple my math homework in the very same building where I handed it in. And it took me a while to figure out... >Read More

    Choosing your Major in College and University

    When it feels like you can't even decide what to have for dinner or what to do on Friday night, choosing a major may be a little daunting. With some research and planning, you can make an informed decision based on facts, personal experience and a knowledge of what best suits you. 1. Assess your interests and skills. A good way... >Read More

    Everything I know I learned in med school

    Advice from Dr. J. Schmiley, M.D. Pre-med ISN'T prestigious. Sleep ISN'T necessary for life. Doctors AREN'T filthy rich. Debt ISN'T avoidable. This WON'T hurt me and it WILL hurt you. E.R. ISN'T QUITE realistic. Sleep IS optional. Pagers ARE evil. O.R. greens ARE fashionable. Clean underwear IS important when you're...... >Read More

    University Survival Guide for Students

    University Survival Guide University life is full of challenges: getting good grades, surviving the dating game, getting into campus life, living with crazy roommates (or with your parents!), exploring your beliefs and learning who you are... Whew! If you've got it all figured out, good for you, but for everyone else, here's a little bit...... >Read More

    Student Profile: Tyrone

    up close and personal |  university life |  strange facts about Tyrone | spirituality Up Close and Personal: Being in the process of still completing university, I am always learning new things from the people around me. To not worry about what other people are thinking of you is to truly 'be yourself.' I believe...... >Read More

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