
What Are You Doing?

Written by Eric Reynolds

October 27, 2011

There was a rich businessman with more money than he knew what to do with. Beyond purchasing small countries, there was nothing else he could buy. One day he decided to leave – to travel the world.

This came as a shock to some but not to others. He was known for lavish expenditures. The press covered his departure as the ship set sail, but what they didn’t know was what went on behind the scenes.

Before he left, he called three employees into his office. The first man was his trusted CEO. To this man he gave an unmarked manila envelope… thick with cash. The next man was a recently hired manager in HR. To this man he gave a similar envelope, significantly less thick. Lastly, a man in IT received the same envelope, and the least money of all.

“I recognize you to all be highly skilled individuals. Use this money wisely. It’s not yours, but any returns you make on, you can keep. I’ll be back.” And with that, he was gone.

The men sat stunned. “Did you know about this?”

“Had no idea!”

“What are you going to do with it?”

The first man made his first million with the quarter, and the second man within the first year. However, the man with the least amount entrusted to him went home and considered his options. Investing the money would take time and risk. It would be better to play it safe and keep life the way it was before the money showed up. So he slipped the envelope under his mattress and went to work the next morning.

Years passed and the rich man returned from his travels. After the hubbub and hype subsided he became curious about his money and where it went. He connected with the men and, over the course of the next month, talked to each one over coffee.

They brought him their envelopes, slid them across the table: every bill accounted for. Naturally, he was impressed with the first two men. “Good job,” his satisfied smile couldn’t hide from behind the coffee mug. Conversation revealed that they had made massive returns. They even gave large portions of their profits to the man as a token of appreciation. But the last man was different.

“Oh ya, I still got it. Every dollar!”

“You what?” The man began to shrink a bit.

“Well, I just thought, you know…” no explanation. The envelope lay thin, suddenly less impressive.

“You’re fired. Man, you are not only timid, but idle and lazy. I have no use for you! If I cannot trust you to be wise with this, I can’t trust you at all.”


Ask: What are you doing with the gifts, talents, resources and opportunities God has given you?

Study: Matthew 25:14-30

Pray: “God, forgive me for my idle behaviour. Help me use my time wisely and my gifts effectively. Keep sloth far from me and give me zeal for your Kingdom. Holy Spirit, my helper, strengthen and energize me today. Amen.”



One Response to “What Are You Doing?”

  • my name is fitsum abyneh zenebe. age 26,sex man.religion protestant christian.nationality Ethiopian.i am no work, no meany,no family i live vary bad condition but i pair Jesus TO help me ,i hop your staph understand me and financially seaport me ,i pair you god give hes blase

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