
Devotional – Hiding From Conflict

From Leonard Buhler

November 21, 2011

“Hear me, my God, as I voice my complaint;

protect my life from the threat of the enemy.
Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,
from the plots of evildoers. (Psalm 64:1-2)

I’m not the kind of man who likes to hide. If I’m in the middle of a conflict, “duck and cover” is not my first impulse. When I’m attacked, my first impulse is to stand and fight. A few months ago, I was under fire. My reputation, my abilities, my skills – they were all being questioned. I had people lined up against me, and what I most wanted to do was shoot back. Can you relate to that?

While this was happening, I came across Psalm 64. In this Psalm King David is under siege. His attackers aren’t coming at him with swords and spears, but with sharp words. David’s response is to cry out to his God with three requests: “Hear me… protect me… hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked.”

David’s reaction was significant to me. The first two requests make sense. You’d expect a frustrated warrior king to demand God’s attention. You’d expect him to ask for God’s protection. But the last request is a surprise. “Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked.” David asks to be hidden.

One thing I’ve noticed about being under attack is how much mental and emotional energy it consumes. Even when you’re not actively fighting, your enemies can get under your skin. Your mind becomes packed – full of the words you’d like to sling back, full of the anger and frustration you’re trying to contain, full of the moves and countermoves you could try next. In the middle of a conflict, that’s how most leaders aim to survive: by being fully aware of the situation at all times.

“Hide me from the conspiracy of the wicked,” David prays. This is not the prayer of a man who lacks courage. This is the prayer of a man who recognizes the danger of letting your opponents invade your soul. Conflict is a part of life. The important thing is not to avoid conflict, but to avoid being consumed by it. Because David was so confident that God heard Him and that God would protect Him, he was able to say, “I don’t need to focus on the enemy. You’ve got me covered, God. Hide me.” What enormous faith David had, and what an incredible encouragement to us when we’re surrounded by enemies.

2 Responses to “Devotional – Hiding From Conflict”

  • Leann Leonard says:

    LOVE THIS!!!!!!

  • Alfred says:

    Thank you, Leonard for this devotional. To truly trust God also means “not to worry”. I just came across a word about that: “Worry drains our energy and makes us tired, because prior to the actual battle, we fight the Enemy a hundred times in our mind… Relax. Untie those knots of anxiety with the settled assurance that the Holy Spirit will be there in your moment of need.” How true it is!

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