
Confessions of a Granddad at Christmas

From Leonard Buhler

December 19, 2011

This is my first Christmas as a granddad.  Somehow my little grandson Mason has transformed how I see Christmas.

Christmas often makes us think of the baby Jesus in a manger.  But there’s another way to see it.  There’s the perspective of an Almighty God saying, “I’ve decided to go down there myself.”  What was He thinking?  What motivated Him?  He knows He’s going to be humiliated; He knows He’s going to die on the cross.  He knows all those things in advance.  And yet He comes to earth anyway.

I’m beginning to understand that.  I started my Christmas shopping a while ago.  I think about Mason, and then I go to Toys R Us, and I can’t buy enough.  I take everything off the shelf.  I bought him a whole bunch of stuff just yesterday.  And the day before that.  The Toys R Us clerk took one look at me, with my shopping cart piled high, and I could see it in her eyes.  “Not another out-of-control grandparent!”

It’s absolutely, completely, ludicrously ridiculous how much Debbie and I have bought him for Christmas.  Why is that?

It’s deep, passionate love.  I just love Mason.  I know that when he comes over, he’s going to wreck our Christmas tree, and puke on our floor and tear apart the house.  I simply don’t care.  I love him so much.

What motivated God to come to earth?  That same kind of love.  Deep, passionate, ridiculous love for you and for me.

Something else that hit me is this:  If Christ is living in us, then it’s impossible for us not to be that way too.  If it Christ is within us, then our love for others has to be as ridiculous as my love for Mason.

Can you imagine if the world could see Christians the way that Toys R Us clerk saw me?  Out of control with ridiculous love?

So may you know the ridiculous love of God this Christmas, and may you allow Jesus to grow that ridiculous love within you.

2 Responses to “Confessions of a Granddad at Christmas”

  • Matt Peters says:

    Good article Mr. Buhler, and I understand about Mason, he’s amazing!

  • Tim Chan Tim Chan says:

    it seems like grandparents just love spoiling their grandchildren – especially their first grandchild. it seems like you and debbie are loving this time. this christmas, our newborn alena will have all 4 of her grandparents celebrating with her – it will be a really special time for everyone. hope you, debbie, and your family have a great time first christmas with mason!

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