A family member molested me when I was between the ages of 10 and 14. I have gone through counselling but I am realizing that I have not totally dealt with this. I am married, but now I have little interest in making love – I am reminded of those ugly times. Who would you suggest I talk to or what book would you suggest I read?
Advice: The most frequently recommended book now is The Wounded Heart by Dan Allender. You will want to get it. There are several books out now that help spouses deal with being in a marriage with an abuse victim. One is When Victims Marry by Jan Franks and her husband and The Haunted Marriage. Another recommendation is Changes That Heal by Henry Cloud, because when a person is abused, they frequently don’t process their developmental issues well and this book helps go back and get some of the stuff you need. Let us know after you take a look at those books about further questions you might have.