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    Rahim speaks about intimacy and spirituality

      intimacy | frustration with school | spirituality | crazy rahim Feeling Needed > We always want to feel needed. We feel affirmed and secure in a group of friends. That's why I think there are a lot of gangs... >Full Story

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    Reaching a Turning Point in University

      who can I trust? | spiritual realizations Life in university: >University is the most difficult thing I've ever done! Time management was the hardest thing I found in adjusting to university. I don't particularly like the competition either. >University is great because there's lots to do, and you get to meet many different...... >Read More

    Erika's Thoughts on Family and Spirituality

    my family | my faith The importance of family: >Family has been an important part of my life. Maybe even too important. Growing up, I did my best to obey my parents, thinking that if I was good, my family would be all right. I thought that doing good things like obeying them would be what would get me into... >Read More

    Student Profile: Andrea

    perfectionism and eating disorder | spirituality Issues Snapshot Perfectionism and an eating disorder I always felt a void within myself. I attempted to fill this emptiness by becoming who I believed to be the "perfect" person. Perfection to me was someone who was beautiful, thin, intelligent, successful, and well-liked. Despite...... >Read More

    Brent's Thoughts on Life and Spirituality

    who I am | changes in my life The kind of person that I am: >When nobody is watching, I'm a guy trying to get through life like everyone else. To me, just being myself means not worrying what other people think. >My dream? Having a Harley Davidson, having kids...I love family and would hate to be without... >Read More

    Mark's Life: Gaining Self-Confidence

    Mark and Spiritual Discovery: As a teen, I was often nervous around large groups of people or popular individuals who on the outside seemed to have it all. I often found myself following others, sometimes to my detriment. My lack of self-confidence sometimes got me into trouble when I followed my buddies. I got involved in some petty vandalism,...... >Read More

    Dana finds freedom from addiction

    reaching a breakdown | finding a way out A destructive lifestyle: >Once I was climbing a mountain. I thought that when I reached the peak, I would see something wonderful and it would speak to me and fulfill me. When I reached the peak, the other side looked the same, no better. I realize that this was a picture of... >Read More

    Tyrone's Spiritual Revelations

    My Spiritual Journey: The most important things in my life were music and books, both of which helped me avoid interacting with real people. I didn't acknowledge God in any way, and through pride and ignorance I explored my own inadequate justification of existence through meditation. The 'Gospel' is 'good news' which means we are freed from...... >Read More

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