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    Millennials and Social Security

    Let me start with a confession. I'm not a millennial. I'm a baby boomer. Been working since I was 15. For over 40 years I've been paying into Social Security. In return for my hard-earned money I've received promises about future payments. And, I'm not alone. The Population Reference Bureau says that there are 76 million of us boomers. What does... >Full Story

    Featured Articles

    College Finances: Living with an Open Hand

    As soon as I was old enough to turn on a light switch, my parents told me electricity cost money. In fact, I soon found out everything costs money. I remember clearly my first lesson in money management. My grandmother gave me a piggybank for my birthday. The plump porcelain pig with a moronic smile was really a ploy to... >Read More

    Making Sense of Money Basics

    Every day, we face decisions about money: how to earn and spend it, save and invest it. While countless books, videos, and seminars offer a flood of advice, financial success is really about mastering three fundamental principles. 1. Live Within Your Means As someone quipped, "Why do we spend money we don't have, to buy things we don't need, to...... >Read More

    Starving Student: Spend Less on Groceries

    Are you a "starving student living in rez? Check out Life in Residence on Facebook and see other students have to say about campus living. Even on your student budget, you know a chunk of your budget will be spent on groceries. No secret in that! Here's what you can do about it to make it cheaper: 1. Sound meal planning.... >Read More

    College Finances: How to Build Credit as a College Student

    I am a college student looking for a credit card. When I tell my parents this they say, "no, you don't need one". I feel that I am financially responsible and in control of my money. I am not looking to spend money I don't have but merely to build credit. I've read all about college kids in debt,... >Read More

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