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    Writing a Will

    It's a subject that none of us want to think about. Whether we're young and just starting life or older and approaching the end, we don't want to think about our own death. Adding money to the mix only makes it worse. But, the truth is that all adults need to think about what will happen to their financial affairs when they die. Failure to do so... >Full Story

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    College Finances: Living with an Open Hand

    As soon as I was old enough to turn on a light switch, my parents told me electricity cost money. In fact, I soon found out everything costs money. I remember clearly my first lesson in money management. My grandmother gave me a piggybank for my birthday. The plump porcelain pig with a moronic smile was really a ploy to... >Read More

    Saying 'I Love You' for Less

    This is for the frugal romantic. Last Valentine's Day I had $8. I went to the local grocery store and bought gladiolas (the cheapest flowers I could find - but very beautiful). I cut red tissue paper into hearts. I also bought strawberries and grapes. I got out all the photos of the two of us and taped them... >Read More

    Living with an Open Hand

    As soon as I was old enough to turn on a light switch, my parents told me electricity cost money. In fact, I soon found out everything costs money. I remember clearly my first lesson in money management. My grandmother gave me a piggybank for my birthday. The plump porcelain pig with a moronic smile was really a ploy to... >Read More

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