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    Is Racism Natural?

    There was a video on CNN yesterday that stopped me in my tracks. It wasn’t footage from Thailand, or election coverage.  It is a video of a little 5 year old girl  sitting in front of an image of 5 cartoon children. The children are all wearing the same dress and the same expression, only the color of their skin is different.  An interviewer... >Full Story

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    Why Science Needs Faith

    Are science and faith like oil and water? Some people seem to think so. We like to think that science is full of absolutes – that things are or are not.  There’s a saying that “reality is anything you can hit with a hammer” but that’s not true either.  There are all sorts of things that exist that your... >Read More

    Saying 'I Love You' for Less

    This is for the frugal romantic. Last Valentine's Day I had $8. I went to the local grocery store and bought gladiolas (the cheapest flowers I could find - but very beautiful). I cut red tissue paper into hearts. I also bought strawberries and grapes. I got out all the photos of the two of us and taped them... >Read More

    Finding Significance in Your Work

    Is it unrealistic to expect your work to mean more than just the next paycheck? Not long ago, I attended a seminar where the speaker gave an impressive account of how technology is changing our world. His presentation included many examples of the fast pace of change and its impact on our lives and careers as we head into the... >Read More

    Joyce's story

    my major | advice | campus life | who I am | my spirituality Choosing my major: >When I was considering what major I should take, I talked to different people and then decided after finding out more. >When you're a business student, there are lots of opportunities to talk to people, be with people, be creative, and have fun. >Business...... >Read More

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