Rinatta Paries

Rinatta Paries graduated from college with a BA in Political Science and initially went into social service. However, she found herself stuck behind a desk, while what she really wanted to do was to help people. A number of years and some interesting jobs later she ran across an article on the budding profession of life coaching and the online university, called CoachU, that was training life coaches.
She was in the first group of 700 people to go through the two-year program and graduate from CoachU. At the time CoachU was the only school training life coaches. She also became a member and got certified as one of the first Master Coaches by the International Coach Federation, a certification and regulation body of the life coaching profession. She currently works as a "love coach" via her website.
Do you know how to attract your ideal mate? Do you know how to build a fulfilling relationship, or how to reinvent yours to meet your needs? Relationship Coach Rinatta Paries can teach you the skills and techniques to attract and sustain long-term, healthy partnerships. Visit WhatItTakes.com where you'll find coaching, quizzes, classes, advice and a free weekly ezine. Finally, real help for attracting and building a healthy relationship!
Bringing Romance Back
Romance dies, that’s a fact, right? When you find the love of your life, you’ll both settle into a daily […] Read More >
Tags: communication, relationships, rinatta paries, sex and love, women and men
Posted in Discover, Experience, Sex & Love, Sex & Love, sex and love, Women, Women-Discover, Women-Experience
Space in a Relationship
How much emotional space do you occupy in your relationship? Could the amount of emotional space you and your partner […] Read More >
Tags: marriage, relationships, rinatta paries, sex and love, women and men
Posted in Discover, Experience, Sex & Love, Sex & Love, sex and love, Women, Women-Discover, Women-Experience
What Men Want in a Relationship
Are you feeling hurt or misunderstood in a relationship? Connect today with a free and confidential mentor. I have discovered […] Read More >
Tags: challenges, commitment, communication, dealing with differences, healthy marriage, husband, improving your marriage, intimacy, marriage, Most Popular, newlywed, protect your marriage, relationships, remarriage, resolving conflict, rinatta paries, sex and love, values, women and men
Posted in Discover, Experience, FamilyLife, Home Page, Sex & Love, Sex & Love, sex and love, Women-Discover, Women-Experience
What’s Your Communication Style?
If you find yourself frustrated, stifled, pushed, or confused about your current relationship or by the people you attract, take […] Read More >
Tags: communication, relationships, rinatta paries, sex and love, women and men
Posted in Discover, Experience, Sex & Love, Sex & Love, sex and love, Women, Women-Discover, Women-Experience