
Four Qualities I Look for in a Christian Leader

From Leonard Buhler

December 9, 2011

How do you make sure to choose great people for your leadership team?  I’ve asked myself that question many times, and I always come back to the same four qualities suggested by Tim Elmore.* A candidate might have a fantastic resume, an impressive education, or decades of experience.  But if I can’t answer the following four questions with a definite ‘Yes,’ then I am not going to bring them on board.  I’ve focused the following four points on how I hire for a Christian ministry position, but the principles apply within a business setting too.

1.   Does this person demonstrate character?  “Talk about your love for Jesus,” is how I start many of my interviews with Christian ministry candidates.  Sometimes I can see their eyes light up.  Without that spark there, I hesitate to hire them.  Add to that consistent integrity and high moral stands.  You can be confident that this person will choose to do the right thing, even when it hurts, and even when no one is looking.  Bottom line – this is someone you can trust.

2.   Does this person live with vision?  People with vision think big.  They’re able to look beyond what is and imagine what could be.  They also have the ability to communicate that vision, and tackle the process of how to get there.  In my role as a ministry leader, I watch for signs of redemptive vision: someone who finds their deepest fulfillment in helping God redeem our broken world

3.   Does this person have guts?  Call it courage, or will.  Someone with guts isn’t afraid to take risks or commit to a course of action.  This kind of person is willing to let go of the familiar and step out into new territory, doing what others are afraid to do

4.   Does this person enjoy favour?  In other words, does God answer their prayers and do people follow them when they call?  Is God using this person to make an impact? Is this someone I would enjoy having around?  Will they inspire, build up, empower and mobilize the team?  Are they appreciated by everyone from their director to their colleagues to their kids?

What about you?  What do you look for in a Christian leader?

*Adapted from Tim Elmore, Authentic Influence – Leading Without Titles, Nashvile: Lifeway Press, 2000, pp. 23-32.

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