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    Study Skills: Survivin' and Thrivin' in First Year Engineering

    DO Get to know your classmates. Invest in a good graphing calculator. Join a study group. Find an upper year or senior student mentor. Participate in some engineering college activities. Take a night off once in a while. DON'T Visibly identify yourself as a naive first year (e.g. carrying a drafting kit around campus). Wait... >Full Story

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    How to choose where to study (college or university)

    You may not realize what an incredible impact the school you choose will have on your life. Perhaps you do not realize it, but you can change your mind. So here a few things that I learned during my time at Queen's University that you may find helpful to keep in mind when deciding on a school. Just because your significant other... >Read More

    Business 101 Survival

    Master these early on in your business classes and you'll be well on your way to acing the rest of your business degree: Learn to read effectively. Skim the less important parts and spend more time on key concepts. Learn memory tricks. First year classes teach you the base "language" for later courses. Memory tricks help to learn all those...... >Read More

    Time Management Tips for College & University Students

    Whether you were an efficient worker or practicing procrastinator in high school, good time management is a key element to a successful college career. Even if you were efficient in high school, college can be overwhelming - there seems to be so much extra time! Since most classes don't meet on a daily basis, it's easy to think your...... >Read More

    Starving Student: Spend Less on Groceries

    Are you a "starving student living in rez? Check out Life in Residence on Facebook and see other students have to say about campus living. Even on your student budget, you know a chunk of your budget will be spent on groceries. No secret in that! Here's what you can do about it to make it cheaper: 1. Sound meal planning.... >Read More

    College Life: A Time for Resolutions

    January 1. A time when resolutions are made. A time of hope that we will actually see some changes made in our lives. Two or three months later, the hope is dead. The resolutions have been broken. Most of us are resolution breakers. Yet we pledge year after year to effect major changes in our lives. December has become a month... >Read More

    Thanksgiving Thoughts: Practicing Gratitude

    Have you ever thought of yourself as a poor or starving student? In our student days it is perhaps easier to remember our lack of money or things. It is easy to take a look around and be disappointed. As a student, the "lack of" in our lives can make it easier to want things even more, especially when we live... >Read More

    The Vital Dimension of Sex: Sexuality and Spirituality

    Powerful emotional factors can make it difficult for singles to wait or to stop. A longing to be close to someone or a yearning to express love can generate intense desires for physical intimacy. Many singles today want to wait but lack inner strength or self esteem. They may fear losing love if they postpone sex. Often sex brings emptiness... >Read More

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