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God and the Big Bang: In the Beginning

Many people think that science and faith tell conflicting stories about how the universe began. But they might not be as different as you think. Scientists speak of a definite moment of creation in a vast cosmic explosion (the 'Big Bang'), which had to be carefully adjusted for human life to be possible. Far from conflicting, the scientific picture... >Full Story

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God or the Multiverse?

Was our finely-tuned universe specifically designed for us? Our lives wouldn't be possible without that fine-tuning. Is this because it has been designed for us, or are there a huge number of universes, and one of them is bound to be right? Is it God's work or are we part of a multiverse? This is the fifth part of... >Read More

Here By Chance or is There a Deeper Story?

The universe is precisely adjusted for life. But what does this fine-tuning really mean? Many scientists agree we're not here by chance. Does it point to the reality of a creator God? Is there a deeper story? This is the last in a six-video series exploring how recent discoveries in astronomy and physics point to the reality of the... >Read More

Cosmic Fine-Tuning: Just Luck?

Are we just lucky to be here on earth? Our existence could be more than a lucky coincidence. What if our world wasn't just a happy accident? Does cosmic fine-tuning point towards a creator God? This is the third part of a six-video series exploring how recent scientific discoveries about cosmic fine-tuning point to the reality of a Creator. Watch...... >Read More

A Fine-Tuned Universe That's Right for Us

The universe we live in is exactly right for us. The only kind of universe that could sustain us is one that is fine-tuned for life. Should we be surprised that the universe is just right for us? This is the fourth part of a six-video series exploring how recent scientific discoveries point to the reality of the Creator. Next:... >Read More

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  • ZshuSwomi said: Feri te kis hamis! huzzodjal vissza szepen a helyedre....
  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
  • Marty Pace said: My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net...