
Alcoholism & Family

"Alcoholism has an effect on everybody around the person suffering from it. This is especially true for a family." says William Belle in the Ole! Times. In his article, which recounts his own struggle with alcoholism and (for the moment) sobriety, he provides statistics about how pervasive the problem is: According to a 2002 survey conducted by...

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Looking for Solid Ground
Looking for Solid Ground

We’ve all had moments when we’ve wished the ground would open up and swallow us. For one family in Quebec that’s exactly what happened.  According to reports on a 500 yard sinkhole opened up threatening five homes in the town of Saint-Jude.  One home was sucked into the hole and a family of five lost their lives.  They were in the...

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Disabled, Not Broken
Disabled, Not Broken

From a distance, “disabled” always seemed like an innocuous word.  It was simply an adjective that described a set of physical circumstances.  It’s a word I’ve often used, never aware of its power.  But when a friend used that word to describe someone that I love I had a startling realization.  Up close, “disabled” sounds an awful...

What do you hope for in 2010?
What do you hope for in 2010?

It was almost 15 years ago that the Spice Girls implored us, “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.” (Sorry for the earworm.)   The mystery of what they were actually singing has long been solved, (“really really really wanna zigazig ha” still makes no sense) but many of us are still trying to answer that first question. ...