
What Do You Want To Believe In?

"What do you want to believe in?"  This question intrigues me. It suggests that I have a choice in what I believe in.  I thought I either believe or don’t.    I want to believe in what is true.  I look at the varying ways people we believe we are created and I realize that in all probability only one belief is correct and all the others are...

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Does God Really Care?
Does God Really Care?

Where is God when disaster strikes? Whether it comes wreaking havoc in our private world or whether we see it in mammoth proportions on our TV screen, we can’t help but question and wonder. Does God care when tragedy sweeps in unexpectedly and tears at the very fiber of our being with inexpressible grief? The answer is “yes!” Yet to find the...

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The Heart of an Olympian
The Heart of an Olympian

Michelle appeared to have it all - a successful soccer career, awards, honours, friends, travel, money, husband... When her life began to fall apart, Michelle found a hidden strength. Find out how this Olympic Gold Medalist rose above her trials... A young athlete My dream as a little girl was to be a wide receiver for the Pittsburgh Steelers....

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Do you crave meaning? In this day and age, “meaning” is a tricky concept. The way Erwin McManus’ book Soul Cravings talks about it, it’s about significance, truth and trust. Those three things are closely entwined…and we can’t deny that truth and trust matter. They matter immensely. So what does Erwin have to say about truth? "I...


Crave Destiny? These two quotes capture what Erwin is trying to get us to understand about our souls and our futures. "Why are we most alive when we are pursuing a great dream? Why is it that we need a reason to live? Why do we need to feel that we are in some way unique? Why is it that when we conclude our lives don't matter, we lose the will...


Crave Intimacy? These are a few excerpts from Erwin McManus’ book Soul Cravings. The human condition is fascinating, our desire to be known and loved. We are left asking ourselves: Why can’t we evolve past our need to be loved? "Given all the problems love can create, why do we keep longing for it? How many thousands of years will it take...

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