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Become a Better Listener

Listening is complex. In its simplest form its something my dog can do. Effectual listening, however, requires more than your physical presence. It requires you to engage your heart and mind to understand not only my words but the part of myself I am communicating to you. Being heard, with this type of care, is essential.  Are you a good communicator?...

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Is Porn Replacing Sex?
Is Porn Replacing Sex?

I was both surprised and deeply saddened by a video on CNN this morning that asked “Has Porn Hijacked Sexuality?” The video shows an interview between CNN anchor John Roberts and author and sociologist Gail Dines.  Dines is the author of the book Pornland which looks at the effect of pornography on people’s view sex and even of their own bodies. The...

Lawyer Catches Facebook Cheaters
Lawyer Catches Facebook Cheaters

Yesterday was "Quit Facebook Day." People pledged to quit Facebook due to concerns about their privacy. In recent weeks there have been many concerns raised regarding Facebook's privacy policies, but one group of people who benefit from the openness of peoples' online information is divorce lawyers, as reported by CNN: "Facebook is a great source...

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Why We Love Love Letters
Why We Love Love Letters

Of all the articles I’ve written over the past 10 years, it’s my article on how to write a love letter that gets all the attention. I’ve been interviewed about it three times – twice on the radio and once for a newspaper in Dallas.  Love letters capture our hearts and our imaginations and with good reason. There is something powerful...

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Invest in Your Relationships
Invest in Your Relationships

How are your relationships with your family, your friends? As a culture we do not have strong relationships the way that we used to.  In the past there were very strong communities.  Generations stayed in the same area and spoke into each others’ lives.  It takes years to build the type of friendship where you can speak the truth and have it...

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Chris Henry & Tiger Woods:  Private Disputes Steal Headlines
Chris Henry & Tiger Woods: Private Disputes Steal Headlines

The news is full of crumbling relationships.   Disputes and betrayals result in divorce, devastation and in one tragic story this week, even death.    We can’t help but watch with a combination of disgust and intrigue.   The people who we’ve placed on the pedestal of success are letting us down.   In a sick way it makes them seem normal. Cincinnati...

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A Conversation About Love & God
A Conversation About Love & God

If I asked you to describe yourself, what would you say? Would you tell me your job title or refer to your relationships – husband, wife, son, daughter, friend? Would you talk about your successes, or failures, your dreams or your past? These are parts of who you are, but you are more than what you do or where you live. You are a human being...

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