What is true love?

    Written by Harriet Sun

    Are You Truly In Love_PTC_ArticlesHas love left you confused? Talk to a mentor today.

    True love: what it is and what it isn’t. Find out if you’ve got the real deal. Find out what to do to get the real McCoy. Try out our short course on “True Love 101”.

    I can picture the day. Rice flying, a limo pulling up to take him and me to the airport, white clusters of flowers on the pews, tears in my mother’s eyes, my bridesmaids in lavender chiffon….

    All the details of my wedding day are worked out in my head. All of them, that is, except for the groom. Oops. That’s an important part, huh?

    Love. It’s a commonly thrown around four-letter word. “I love macaroni and cheese.” “I love Vanilla Ice.” (Remember that?) Sometimes, even an “I love him” or “I love her.”

    What is real love? And is there a difference between that and the heart-pounding adrenaline rush I feel when I see…? You know the person I’m talking about. That hot guy playing basketball at the gym… the cute girl who makes eye contact as she passes by… the friend of a friend of a friend… maybe a best friend. It’s that person we keep track of when he or she is in the same room, whose comments and actions we analyze to no end.

    There are a few things love isn’t. Love isn’t a feeling. Although real love is often accompanied by strong feelings, love does not equate with the sense of floating on clouds. Unlike the type of love that movies, television, and songs portray, people in love don’t always feel ooey gooey around each other.

    A relationship wouldn’t last long on emotions. In fact, knowledge is the basis of a healthy relationship.

    Knowing about the other person is key. I used to and sometimes still do “fall in love” with guys that I have never had a conversation with, whether it be a movie star in the latest romantic drama or the guy sitting behind me in a calculus class. I would know his name and his face, and that was the extent of my knowledge of him. If I were to start a relationship with him, who knows where that would lead us!

    Knowing about the person’s personality and character are so important. One good test is to list the qualities that attract us to that guy or girl. If the list is long, we know a lot about them and like those things. If the list is short, we either don’t know a lot about them or we know a lot but aren’t attracted to his or her personality.

    Related — Dating the Wrong Guy: It Felt So Right
    Being Single: Alone, Everafter.

    Another important factor in a relationship is common life goals. If the relationship is going to be long term, we need to be going in the same general direction as the other person. If his dream is to travel as an international businessman and she wants to be a realtor in a single location, conflict could arise. If she wants to live in the countryside with nature and he likes the hustle and bustle of a big city, there are potentially serious problems with the direction of the couple’s lives.

    Love isn’t sex. That statement alone goes against a lot of what the entertainment industry feeds us. Whenever two people hook up in pop culture, they have sex. Without showing some of the unpleasant realities of premarital and extramarital sex, it is drawn up to be a wonderful, fun recreational activity.

    Sex is created for marriage–a long-lasting commitment between a couple. Outside of marriage, sex can have harsh consequences. Pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, guilt, insecurity, and shame can follow. A relationship based on lust can only last as long as the two are physically close and find each other sexually attractive.

    Love is a choice. It’s a commitment. Although feelings will accompany love, and although sex will be a part of marriage, a lasting, healthy relationship cannot be based on these things.

    The Bible says that God is love. God, as our designer and creator, made us with needs for love. Do you ever wonder why we constantly seek love from others but never feel completely satisfied? It’s because God designed us for an unconditional love, and we, as people, are flawed.

    devo-interact-icon-42x42Is true love possible? Tell us what you think

    People, whether friends, family, or your significant other, will invariably let you down at some point. God wants us to find our need for love and acceptance in him first. One person cannot meet all our needs, even if he’s funny or she’s thoughtful.

    We were made for God’s love, and God’s love alone can fill that need. Only after experiencing and knowing the unconditional love that God has for us, the love that drove God to send his Son to die for us on earth, can we begin to love others with the same quality of unconditional love.

    TRUE LOVE 101: What does it take to be that significant other?


    • Sees the other person as perfect
    • Wants to get own needs met; selfish
    • Spends all time with the other person
    • Quickly “falls” for the other person
    • Other relationships and friendships deteriorate
    • Dependence on the other person causes jealousy frequently
    • Lasts for a short period of time
    • Distance strains and often puts an end to the relationship
    • Quarrels are serious and common
    • Quarrels can seriously damage the relationship


    • Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them
    • Wants to serve the other person; selfless
    • Still spends time with others
    • Takes time to build the relationship
    • Other relationships and friendships grow stronger
    • Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy
    • Encompasses a long-term commitment
    • Survives and sometimes is strengthened because of distance
    • Quarrels are less serious and less often
    • Quarrels can strengthen the relationship

    Infatuation can be so tempting. But the question is, do I want a lasting, satisfying relationship? If so, infatuation isn’t the answer. Look at your relationships through the grid above. Infatuation isn’t a bad thing, as long as we don’t base a relationship on it.

    Perhaps finding real love begins with God, the one who created relationships.

    Join the conversation below or talk to us privately.

    devo-interact-icon-42x42So, how’s your love life? Do you need to talk? Either contact us privately by filling out this form and one of our mentors will contact you or make a comment about this article below the form.

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    403 Responses to “What is true love?”

    • Aldo says:

      Samantha and Ron, the author stated it right. God is Love, and He wants each one of us to have a relationship with Him through accepting and receiving His Son Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Do that and you’ll find that you know the true meaning of Love.

      If you want to, you can do that now. The following is a suggested prayer. Remember, God knows your heart and is not as concerned with your words as He is with your intent.

      “Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness; I believe that Jesus Christ, Your Son, died in my place, paying the penalty for my sins on Calvary‘s cross. I am willing right now to turn from my disbelief, and accept Him as my personal Savior and Lord. I commit myself to You, and ask You to send the Holy Spirit into my life, to fill, guide, and empower me, and to help me become the kind of person You want me to be. Thank You Father for loving me, forgiving my sins, and for giving me everlasting life, in Jesus name, Amen.”

      I pray that you decide for doing it.

    • Samantha says:

      Ron says: March 7, 2017 at 1:24 pm Real true love really did happen in the past when the real good old fashioned women were around which today unfortunately there all gone.

      Hi Ron, I can appreciate your post….and I am an old fashion lady…And your name is the same as the true love of my live. Which for now we are apart….

    • Ron says:

      Real true love really did happen in the past when the real good old fashioned women were around which today unfortunately there all gone.

    • Elkay says:

      David, Paul wrote a very famous description of love in 1 Corinthians 13 where he said, among other things, is that love is patient and love is kind. Unless you have strong reasons to believe otherwise, be patient and kind with your girlfriend. Trust me, that will mean much more to her than a rash of texts that demand her immediate attention. Paul also said that love believes all things, so when she says she is busy, take her word as truth and believe her. If you are not in a “true love” situation, that will reveal itself as being false in due course of time.

      I commend your and her attitude about premarital sexual relations and strongly recommend that this be maintained no matter how great the pressure may become. It is only after you are married that you can fully appreciate the incredible blessing of sexual fidelity to your married mate and know how nothing else can replace it. If it is ever lost, nothing can be done to undo the damage and nothing can be as valuable and be so meaningful in a Godly marriage.

    • David says:

      Hello, I have a girlfriend at the beginning we chat and talk alot more day and night although she had other things to do, she is quick to reply my text and calls, whenever i ask her if she can come out she was always ready, she makes me satisfied and i have a great feelings of enthusiasm and i love her so much, but we dont have sex because we both had it and promise to do it after marriage. i have had few girlfriend earlier but i have never felt this way, she always makes me feel home, i feel so secure being her. she gave her best every time i say something. Its been 3 months everything was going so well but these few weeks i feel awakard and feel discourage everytime, when ever i text her she replied late after 2 to 3 hours and doesnt pick my call right away, i always ask her what had happen this days she always says she is busy at home these days, then how could she do it earlier, i understand she has to work and she needs to work but earlier she could text everytime i sent text or call her, its getting harder for me now, i work full time but whenever she text or call me i am always ready for her and quickly reply her evertime, can you guys help me, should i quit or continue and wait for her.

    • Elkay says:

      Unknown Lover, is it possible that the reason you “dunno anymore” is because you say “Love is what you make it to be” and then “when your definition breaks, it’s hard to really know things anymore?”

      The author makes several good points relative to this: .
      First, love isn’t an emotional feeling because emotions and feelings are fickle and swing and sway irregularly.

      Second, true love is a decision to make a commitment to another’s well-being no matter what it costs us.

      Finally, only after experiencing and knowing the unconditional love that God has for us, the love that drove God to send his Son to die for us on earth, can we begin to love others with the same quality of unconditional love.

      So to get to where you “really know things”, drown yourself in God’s love for you and then let that love flow out to the other person, whether or not they reciprocate and whether or not they respond appreciatively.

    • The Unkown Lover says:

      Love, is something you just know. It isn’t this feeling, that we determine. Love, is what you make it to be, whether it be infatuation or not, that is up to you. We all have these definitions, and like to be so sure of things, but, I dunno anymore. What happens, when your definition breaks, its hard to really know things anymore.

    • Chris says:

      stephanie….sorry to hear you are struggling it seems in your relationship. from what i have learned in life, its so important to let God be the one to choose our mates for us. no, that person will not be a perfect match for us in our eyes, but in Gods eyes, yes he will be because he or she will balance out what we lack and help us to learn how to love as jesus loves us, unconditionally. we must move past the hollywood idea of marriage and understand that for the men, its learning how to love our wives as jesus does the church. ephesians 5. for the women, its learning to cooperate even when it seems the man doesnt know what he is talking about. the challenges of two people living under the same roof can only be won out through the love of jesus in each heart. for more information on knowing jesus in a personal and saving way log onto knowingjesuspersonally.com or click talk to a mentor above. praying you marry the man jesus has reserved for you!! blessings!

    • Stephanie says:

      I wish I could get him to write it down for a mentor! I want the best for us, but he doesn’t hear me! We get along beautifully. .. it’s just his outlook I wish would change. He’s a glass half empty guy.

    • Jamie Jamie says:

      Hi Olize, I appreciate your desire to find someone to share your life with. However this is not a dating site and for the protection of all of our visitors, our policy is to not publish any personal contact information here. There are sites that are set up for that purpose and have proper safeguards in place. I would encourage you to look at one of those sites to continue your search.

    • Olize says:

      Am really looking for a serious lady to be with in a relationship
      that can lead to marriage. Any lady from
      USA or Canada is most welcome.

      Thank U

    • Sharon says:

      to dulce maria reyes– have you ever asked this boy if he loves you or if you can ask him if you don’t talk that is rough I pray that this boy and you will talk soon and get an answer I am praying for you– sharon

    • How i can ask him if he loves me? !_! = (

    • How I know that a boy love me if we never talk?

    • karan rana says:

      spend your time for god. only god gives u true lov.

    • Aldo says:

      Garang, the first thing you must do is forgive this girl. When you truly forgive her I believe that your ulcer condition will disappear. Unforgivenes can cause many sicknesses including ulcers.

      Then you said that you have lost trust for the girls you have come across. Never mind putting your trust in them. Put your trust instead in Jesus. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

      Garang, if you have never committed your life to God through accepting and receiving His Son Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you can do so now by repeating this prayer from your heart. Remember, God is not as concerned with your words as He is with your attitude.

      “Dear God, I admit I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness; I believe that Jesus Christ, Your Son, died in my place, paying the penalty for my sins. I am willing right now to turn from my sin and accept Him as my personal Savior and Lord. I commit myself to You, and ask You to send the Holy Spirit into my life, to fill me and take control, and to help me become the kind of person You want me to be. Thank You Father for loving me, forgiving my sins, and for giving me everlasting life, in Jesus name, Amen.”

      Lord, I pray that Garang would commit his life to You, and accept and receive Your Son Jesus as his Savior and Lord, Amen.

    • Garang Ayiei says:

      I would like to share what I went through in my first date. it was 2004 when I grew interest in a girl older than me by 7years. it took me half a year to study her and then I approached but she cautioned me of the age difference.
      after sometimes she accepted my proposal and went on being good friends. we promised each other to respect our bodies till the time we will have finished our education and ready for marriage.
      all went well as promised. she joined college in Uganda and I got job after our 12 grade. I was working at Southern Blue Nile in South Sudan. when it was time for my r&r, used to board plane to Juba and catch bus for Kampala to pay her visit. there we could spent 3-4 days sleeping in the lodging till when I get back. I also give her money for upkeep.
      she also advised me to further my studies and I did really my best and now no have completed my bachelor degree in Computer Science.
      In my 3rd year, I deferred two semesters and I went back home to South Sudan to work to raise some fees. by then she had completed and working at the bank. I called into her working bank and requested her to go for ice cream the day she will be free. she promised me Sunday so I keep the day in my calender. on that day I gave her a call but didn’t picked till today.
      I can to learn that she was pregnant and gone to another man’s house. this is a love testimony I will never forget till my bones decay :( I was told by my cousin that she got married and ready to deliver. ulcers took over me as I never had before! :( when I recall the occasions I I been with her, the pain of ulcers rises…
      I really need pieces of advice to keep me strong since I have lost trust in girls I have come across.
      I had so many girls who really wanted to marry me and I turned them down just to be honest in the eyes of the Lord.
      worse time I think she took me as a fool was when I paid her fare till the last coin I had in the pocket. I saw her of and ran in a rain (raining cats and dogs) from town to our home 5kms.
      it pains me why she never told me that she is marrying another man for a reason! :( I thought love is being considerate as well. I still love her but won’t have her back if given a chance to…

    • Chris says:

      realgoodanswer…sorry to hear you are still looking for a mate. with so many people on our planet, its apparent we still need guidance for that to happen. i would suggest you looking up to christ for the help you need. you see jesus is concerned about every detail of our lives and certainly whom we marry. proverbs 3.5 to 6 says that if we acknoweldge God in all of our ways, that is, include christ in our daily lives, then he will direct us to the right places and people. for more information on knowing jesus christ as your personal lord and savior and everything you will need in this world and the next, log onto knowingjesuspersonally.com or click talk to a mentor above. i pray that your life would be directed by christ from above who can see things much more clearly tan we can and knows who it is we need and knows how to join them to us. blessings!

    • RealGoodAnswer says:

      The hardest thing of all is many of us Good Men still looking for a Good Woman to settle down with.

    • Alfred says:

      Hi Heha Mehra, though you are successful in your career, I’m sorry that you feel alone and still searching for a mate. It is sad that the devil has distorted our understanding of true love. God says love as a commitment that is giving and is unselfish, while our worldly meaning of love is merely that of infatuation. My suggestion is for you to trust God is all things, and to thank Him in advance for helping you to find the mate that He has for you. Are you in a good church, perhaps in a Bible study group? It may surprise you, where that young man will meet you!
      Thank you, Chris, for those words of advice: When we have Jesus, we have what is essential. Then with a spouse or without one, we are in Good Hands.

    • Chris Landwerlen says:

      neha mehra…the greatest love a person will ever know is the love of jesus christ. without his love, all other human love will come to nothing and end. i encourage you to develop a saving relationship with jesus and then you will truly know what true, perfect love is. human love will fail. emotions will end, but the love of christ lasts forever. if you want to know more about knowing jesus personally log on at…knowingjesuspersonally.com. blessings!

    • Neha Mehra says:

      i don’t know what love is but i have seen people doing crazy things for love,those things are sometimes different but beautiful.Love makes you feel the real you,it changes you and it makes you feel all those emotions you have never felt with anyone.In today’s world i don’t think so love exist or something like this in the video I love your page,it is really cute.I wanted to share this beautiful video about true love that i came across,hope you like it :) [link removed] Its 2014 and our generation is changing,everyone wants love but no one has the patience to bare anything and those who do are not blessed with true love.Some people are really lucky in love while others are not.I am 27,single,self made business women but still single,trying to fall in love but not happening.Sometimes i wonder if ever ill get to experience love. Has this happened with anyone or am i the odd one out?LOL

    • Doris Beck Doris Beck says:

      Zoltan, you make some very good points although I don’t necessarily agree with everything you have said.

      However, it is so important to deal with the issue of forgiveness and not let bitterness take root in our lives. Someone once said that not forgiving someone is like eating rat poison and waiting for the rat to die. Obviously it would kill us first!

      And I also have to agree that love is much more than just a feeling. Love is a choice…it impacts our emotions and feelings as well, but when the feelings aren’t there, it becomes that act of choice. Having been married for 39 years I can honestly say that I love my husband very much, but I haven’t always ‘felt’ in love as it were. It takes work to make a good marriage.

    • sadakat khan says:

      love is hell nothing ales.

    • Zoltan says:

      Love is most definitely more than a feeling. The devil is great at getting us to latch onto our strong emotions and let them spin out of control, whether those are emotions of love or hatred. Love is a verb – it is action – it is commitment – it is holding your tongue in order not to be abusive just because you feel it at the moment – it is speaking words of love even if you don’t feel them – it is being supportive of your mate even if you think they’re doing something the wrong way. This is the way a loving relationship is maintained and sustainable so that it does not lead to divorce. Most of all, in order to have a lifelong loving relationship that is full of good feelings, both the man and the woman need to OBEY the word of God. If a person willfully sins, does something they know is wrong, it opens the door for demons to take hold of their mind or body (sometimes in subtle ways hurting your peace of mind or your health, sometimes dramatically so). The word of God,
      before and after Jesus, states that we will experience all blessings if we walk holy before Him, but that we will experience all manner of curses if we do not. A loving sexual relationship between a man and his wife is one of the great blessings from God for both of them. As some have said in the comments, and as it is written in God’s word, it is not just a moral choice to abstain from sex before marriage, but there is an additional motivation: to avoid any curses that come with disobeying this commandment, that can affect the man or woman or even their kids, with some kids being born with all kinds of health afflictions because of their parents’ sin. These are not my opinions, but has been verified by a healing pastor in Texas who has healed thousands of folks and their kids by explaining this principle, getting them to repent, which removes all claim that any demon may have over a person, and then casting out those demons with authority given us by God in Luke 10:19, and
      speaking out loud a prayer of faith for the person to be healed. 4th stage “incurable” cancer, epilepsy, autism, diabetes, impotence, anxiety and mental disorders, arthritis, trauma injuries, warts, deformations, all have been healed this way. If an adult sins and a curse affects them directly, it affects them in the direct way in which they have sinned, e.g. sexual sin brings forth sickness in the sexual organs. It is written that no curse comes upon you undeserved. Therefore to bring this full-circle, do not let your feelings run away with you, but pray to God for a godly mate, a man who obeys God with all his heart and will love his wife above himself, or a woman who obeys her husband in every way because he is dutiful to God and loves her above himself, and therein lies true love! Asking for a mate prayerfully, letting God show you the right mate, rather than coveting with lust or emotion, will receive blessings from God and will result in the most exquisite lifelong love.

    • Zoltan says:

      In response to Sue, it is true that God does not want us to endure abusiveness, and if there is no other recourse for correcting the situation, He would not want anyone to stay in such a living hell. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT however, to forgive that person so that you do not go on experiencing afflictions by harboring unforgiveness. Anyone acting this way is acting under the influence of a demon, and it is not the person hurting you, it is the demon. You must forgive, and then God will bless you richly and heal your afflictions, and if you ask Him (as the Bible is full of the promises of our prayers being answered if we are walking holy before him) He will reveal to you the perfect mate so you can experience true love.

    • Michael Jantzen says:

      Hi Sue, Thank you for sharing some of your story. I’m sorry that you’ve had to walk such a hard road. While I think it would be terrible to be in a relationship for years where no loving feelings were present, I do think love goes deeper than emotions. When I don’t feel like doing something nice for my kids or my wife but do it anyway, am I being hypocritical or loving? What happens if a couple goes through a rough patch where all they feel is hurt. Does that mean they’ve stopped loving each other and are no longer meant for each other? Take care.

    • Sue says:

      Love is a feeling. A very strong emotion. So when you say “love is not a feeling” be very careful in that. I was told once by a priest when I answered the question he posed “what is love” and I started my sentence with “love is a feeling” he interrupted me and said no. He asked my husband and he answered “love is sharing.” The priest said to us “he knows what love is and she doesn’t” which was a comment that cut me like a knife. Fast forward 30 years and two kids later, I divorced my husband because he was emotionally and verbally abusive and was diagnosed with a text book case of narcissistic personality disorder. He made my life a prison and a living hell. He was a con man who convinced a priest that he was angelic and all knowing not to mention how he fooled me. So yes love is a feeling and your emotions is your gauge to measure it by. When you connect with someone emotionally and spiritually on a very deep level where you believe without a doubt she/he is your other half and soul mate and this feeling is reciprocated – you have found the one.

    • Shelley says:

      Dear Father God.

      Lord I lift up anyone who is going through this struggle. In Jesus Mightyname Amen

    • Shawn Apex says:

      The girl that i am with is saved and i am now a Messianic Jew and she is christian and i think right now that she loves me more than i love her which is hurting her. Right now it is hurting me morally. She knows about the other girl but she doesn’t know all of the details. It’s like i know i need to let rica go because i’m only lusting after her but real talk i’m in love with her body. I’m in love with asia though and her body i don’t know what to do and i need a counselor of some sort. I’m a 17 year old music artist and the girls are starting to come fewer and farther between that are loyal but their coming none the least. I jus need positive advice. This girl is the girl that i would love to marry and eventually have a family with and we have been together for 7 months and known each other for like years. It seems that i need to let rica know but i don’t know how to go about the task of letting her go. God let’s me know what i need to do through my heart. But that is going to be difficult. Me and asia have had no first date but yet i have only know rica for a year and she invited me to her house and we have had a date already. Asia is not aware of this event yet but i will eventually tell her through my truthful soul. i just need to focus on one girl and that is asia. How do i let rica down to the friend zone. It’s like i want my cake and to eat it too.But at the same time i don’t know. I want my cake and to be able to eat it too. How do i go about this whole situation?

    • Shawn Apex says:

      I have two girls that really like me but i love the one i have been with for about 7 months already. She is like my everything right now. I really would like to be thankful for her because she is so supportive. But there is something that is making me want to talk to this other girl and i know that it is only pure lust but part of me wants to give her a chance because i sense that she has potential.I know that the other girl will never have a guy like me. I love her with all of my heart but the other girl is beginning to fall for me and i like her too but i don’t know how to let either one of these girls go. I think i should pray but this is a conflict that has been haunting me for almost a month now and as of last night this lust almost cost me the relationship that im in. Please Help.

    • Jamie Jamie says:

      Good for you Avon. Let me encourage you to look to Jesus to help you follow through with that commitment. Let His Spirit guide your choices in relationship.

    • Avon koknal marak says:

      Believing that TRUE LOVE WAITS, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family,my friends, my Future mate, and my future children to be sexually abstinent from this day until the day I enter a Biblical marriage Relationship.

    • DPC says:

      Riin –

      If one finds just the right person, who accepts all quirks and wants to be together… I would stand by him as well. People are important, and given how few we are compatible with — if the right person is found, the right person is worth sacrificing for.

    • Davis says:

      Good article!!! I really liked it and that you incorporated God into it.

    • Claire Colvin Claire Colvin says:

      Hi Alice, You don’t need to worry about a whole life with this guy yet, the only question you need to think about is, “Do you want to go out on a date with him and get to know him a bit better?” Dating is an exploration of whether or not a relationship could become something more. Don’t rush it. Just take it one step a a time. I would ask you this – do you have feelings for him or are you trying to having feelings for him because you found out that he likes you?

      There’s no way to know ahead of time what will turn into love and what won’t. Generally speaking the butterflies are there right at the beginning, but not always. Sometimes you have to get to know a person first and then you become more attracted to them. You’ve got lots of time. For now he has not asked you out (and you’ve said that you’re not available anyway until you’re 16) so just focus on being friends and enjoying the friendship and all the other stuff will come in time.

    • Alice says:

      I met this guy at a church camp about a year ago now and found out a few months back that he has feelings for me, the church rules are not to date before i am 16 so i’m still going to wait another year at the least but my point is that i have never had this kind of relationship before, always the lust thingy and now with this guy i don’t have the butterflies in my stomach but i do long to talk with him everyday even though he’s a 12 hour drive away and i suppose that i could imagine a life with him. My question is whether it will develop into true love or whether i am forcing myself into a relationship that could hurt this guy and our friendship. any replies would be appreciated

    • Sharon says:

      dear j prayer–father God i do pray for j for a man to love her and for a Godly mna to come into her life to love her for who she is and to spend their life together i pray for a miracle for her this year even i pray for her hearts desire to be fulfilled i pray all of this in JESUS name amen i am praying for you

    • J says:

      By reading this article I have realized that I have never really been in love. Infatuation & lust yes but not true love. I would love to get married one day to a wonderful godly man but I fear what would I have to offer? I love God & everyday am trying to love him the way he deserves which is with my whole heart. I really desire to experience love from a man not lust but I feel like I only know how to lust & please a man the way the world says you should. I don’t want to make any man an idol in my heart but at the same time I would want to be loved in this life. I know God loves me but romantic love feels more tangible right now. Please pray for me, I have been feeling this way for a few years now. I want to be fully satisfied in Jesus.

    • ankit says:

      Ankit and roopika is husband and wife.

    • ram says:

      Hi Ramzi, whatever you said I just can smile on it, please do not mind but friend you can not this is love or true love, it is simply attraction, true love is too far thing, or suppose u can tell this is ur love but think how can you a person who even don’t know you, it is problem of you, love is never 1 sided, true love always is a combination of both sides, Please it may be just ur passion or fashion to like him, and maybe you ‘ll realise it if you meet ur really true love ever, thanks,

    • Jamie Jamie says:

      Hi Ramzii, I can tell that you have such strong feelings of attraction to this celebrity but I don’t think you can call them love. You may know a lot about that person but you know nothing about him from interacting with him. All you have is information from a distance. That certainly could develop into love if there were an opportunity for the two of you to spend time together and discover the nuances of each other’s personality, but at this point it is still just an attraction.

      I think it is important to point out the difference because to call what you have “true love” diminishes the beauty of what true love is and can cloud your judgement. There will come a day when you will discover for yourself the difference between what you feel for this guy and what true love is all about and when that day comes you will be so glad that you did not confuse the two.

      Let me caution you about becoming too obsessed with this young man. I would guess that you will not have many natural opportunities to build a friendship with him and pouring all passion into him will leave you disappointed. That can be a heart-breaking futility that will take you away from other positive relationships.

    • Ramzii says:

      Well, i like this celebrity and have loved him for the past 3 years and i still do..And i am sooo in love with him its unbelievable, i never felt like this before and he is also my first love.I know that many people are going to be like “its a celeb” but for me he is my world,my life…not a day or even a minute goes by that i never think about him.i dont consider him as a celebrity and i reaaly love.I just love him ,the way he talks, walks ,his personality his voice every single thing.He also has a girlfriend(who is a celeb as well),yes i do feel jealousy. and i even cry .i pray to my god hoping that we will meet one day the he will fall in love with me and soo on.But then , i fell i’m just being stupid and acing like a girl in a fairytale,but i seriously doo love him,exactly the same way a wife would love her husband…at times i don’t know whether this is love or this just happens in every little kind of relationship, but i do feel its love because what kind of love leads to obsession and jealousy. i tell my friends as well and they think i’m crazy about him but they also say that these stupid dreams of meeting him and suddenly he will fall in love with is totally stupid and nonsense…even i know that but i dont know WHY?? i cnat forget him.i try to hate him somehow but still no effect.i also know there are billions of girls out there who die to meet him as well, i just feel that there is no one but hims.i actually reaaly love him.More than those girls out there as well.i am a teen but this is not puppy teen love kinda thingy if you know what i mean?

      if there is someone who has kindly read this,please tell me if is this true love?
      thankyou xx

    • Ram says:

      arbara Alpert , yes God is Love and Same way love is God, so u can’t say God is only true love, noooooo Human loves god is Human’s nature, but we love another person as Desire, we know God is Greate , we want thanks god, but God never said love me first then love ur beloved, Nooo Loyalty is God, truth is God, God is Not a person its a supernatural power, its Truth its Faithful, in all cases, if we are Trustworthy, if we are Loyal with everything, means our love is pure for God,

    • Ram says:

      he artical is true someway but its not fact at all, we live our life, we live in our love, we love our beloved acutually we love ourselved too, and its all called true love, so its all abt me nd mine beloved nd abot our love, how can I define what is really true love? No I can’t really, I just can explain what I feel, what my love gave, true love is abt giving and gaining, its a bond, its a fear of keepin happiness, its a nvr ending desire, all I’m saying cause I live in a amazing relationship, we have fallen in love cz of Orkut, almost s years ago, we killed all the distance,(mexico-india) we met after all this year and again for sometime we had to seperate again, I know I have only her, she hv only me, nd wat I feel, same she feels, I have to wait to meet her again cz of ny legal formalty, but I nvr lost hope, I nvr changed my mind, we fought everyday in facebuk, but next we are ready to solve our issue, so all I’m saying cz I feel true love, its rare unblivable nd amazing, it give me smile nd sametime it give me deep pain but whatever I love those sweet pain I love my hart ache whn I cry, I feel lucky I have something important, another things, Jealous nd possiveness I nver thought its part of true love, but now I belive, I believe this both thing is outcome of true love nd true care, all I meant we can not judge we can not define exactly what is true love, it has no size, no weight nothing but its everything when we have it, nd true love is eternal , nvr ending, its nothing about Dates or grlfrnd boyfrnd, liike in these days people changing relationship like cloth, noooo true love is Love itself, like our desire nvr end, our love nvr end for our beloved, but with lot of condition, God made Love and some people made infamy of love, I’d like to say the world, love is not wat date u see between couple, can u count any couple who have been died together, whyy? coz they love to die together without fear, and belive me our lives is temperorly but true love exist forever, God is Too great , god gives our loved again to us, , mmmm I’m wrting a book, soon whole world will read this untill I meet my love again, thanks for reading my stupid text, coz another fact I also know, an innocent a Stupid a Crazy a emotional man only fall in deep love, thanks again , I said much I think, No1 can define, what is true love, its a amazing ,never ending feeling, We can define only Sympotoms not Feelingsm Nd sorry for my bad english.

    • Shelley says:

      Hi Ram, do you think Harriet’s comment at the end of her article has any merit? If God is the source of love and relationships wouldn’t He be able to define what love is?

    • Ram says:

      Dear Harriet Sun, I got , whatever you said, it is true someway, but u’ll never know true love is a mystry for others, maybe u hv shared ur experience but in real you can’t define true love, u can’t give its requirments, true love is like a ghost, u just can share its experience, but nvr can explain it, yes it can be abt possesive jealous atTraction pain mercy kinds or nything, moral no1 can judge love,

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