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Strange Road to Success

All my life, I wanted to be a head football coach of an NFL team more than anything else. At times, I even wanted it more than God or my family. I bought right into the world's game plan. In my eyes, being a head coach would give me all the things I wanted, things like money and prestige. My goal became an obsession. God gave me my first wake-up... >Full Story

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Essential Practices for Successful Business Dining

~ It’s taken your corporation months of tough negotiating to settle terms of a new sales contract. The president calls you in for a final briefing and invites you and your spouse to attend a black tie dinner to celebrate the business partnership with other company executives and international guests. ~ Each year a large gala fund raising event...... >Read More

Finding Purpose

For years, I lived on autopilot. I ate, breathed, shopped, studied--and generally went through life--without knowing why. I made decisions based on how I felt at the time. Still, the deeper questions of life haunted me. "Why am I here?" I wondered. "Who am I? Where do I want to go? And how can I get there?" I sat in coffee... >Read More

Network Your Way to Personal Success

Has this ever happened to you? You're invited to a business reception. You know it's a great opportunity to make important contacts because people from your industry will be there. So you arrive. You don't recognize a single person. Everyone seems to be conversing in pairs and small groups. The room is buzzing with animated conversation. Everyone...... >Read More

Battle Stress—and Win

It is evident that stress is an inevitable part of life. How you manage it can determine your day, your health, your relationships and your success; either it takes charge of your life, or you do. Leonard Buhler, who has had about 30 years of experience in the business world, teaches stress management seminars and shares a few valuable... >Read More

The Moon Is Not Enough

I volunteered for the space program for the thrill of adventure. Believe me, waiting for take-off while sitting on top of a Saturn rocket that’s 120 meters tall and weighs six-and-a-half million pounds—that’s excitement! I knew I was in for one great ride! But what can top 11 days in space and 3 days trekking around the moon? I was... >Read More

Nine Principles for Effective Leadership

"If women would realize what an influence they have, they would be filled with pride. If men recognized how influential women are, they would be scared to death." It is said that we all influence at least 250 people in our lifetime. We each have the responsibility of leadership. Every woman can be a leader. Yet results of surveys show that...... >Read More

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