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Make Your New Year’s Resolution Stick

The New Year is upon us. Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Well, if you’re like most North Americans you have at least one resolution. And, if you are like the majority of these promise-makers, your resolution is probably related to health and fitness. For many it is a promise to eat healthier, exercise more, and  lose weight. While resolutions... >Full Story

Featured Articles

Finding Some Peace on Earth

"Silent night, Holy night. All is calm, all is bright..." The carols try to tell us that this is a calm and silent time of year. But for most of us, the weeks leading up to Christmas can be anything but calm. You know the drill: office parties, shopping, baking, wrapping, relatives, Christmas plays and everyone's favorite - family pictures. It's...... >Read More

Getting Over the Holiday Blues

Need to talk? Power to Change offers a free mentoring program where you can talk privately with a trained mentor. This is supposed to be a season of joy and happiness, but many people don't feel it. Many people suffer from bouts of depression or the blues at different times during the year. During the holiday season people encounter...... >Read More

In Search of the Christmas Spirit

The holidays can be challenging. If you need someone to talk to, come talk to a mentor. One Christmas, I came across an article in a local newspaper by an articulate columnist named Bill Johnson. His column was titled, "A Lesson in Catching the Christmas Spirit." Johnson began his search for the Christmas spirit at the Christmas tree lots,...... >Read More

Learning to Love the Girl in the Mirror

I lost my dad to suicide at the age of five. Shortly after that a family member started sexually abusing me. Several years later I lost my step dad to a horrible fire that destroyed our home. We were left with nothing except for haunting memories.  Later, I turned to drinking to ease the pain that tormented me day in and day out... >Read More

Feeling Grief

Grieving is a unique experience. It’s a process that is as individual as the people it affects. Oh yes, there are predictable stages … but the experience of losing someone dear to you is truly a very personal journey. Recently I said goodbye to my dear Dad. It’s hard to believe it was only a couple of months ago. I’ve processed... >Read More

Lessons In Decision-Making

Forty years after his tragic death, President John F. Kennedy continues to fascinate. A new JFK biography hit the bestseller lists. His relatives -- America's royalty to some -- are frequent newsmakers.  An intriguing facet of his legacy involves his decision-making procedures. Some brought great success, others colossal failure. In 1961, after...... >Read More

Stand By

Sixteen years old and in need of hope he was a hard-shelled kid from a tumultuous home. He had two brothers, four sisters, and a mom who worked three jobs to keep the family afloat. All he needed was hope. He and his oldest brother came to our student ministries group that Wednesday. On Thursday, he laid down in... >Read More

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