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The Poor Are Always With Us

Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks of Google Inc., used with permission. Christian and non-Christian alike, the world has a lot to say about the poor. Take a stroll down the roughest part of your local city center: what do you feel? Discomfort? Guilt? Indifference? Do you avoid eye contact with the homeless, with drug dealers,... >Full Story

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Jesus' Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?

At Easter, some might wonder what all the fuss is about. Who cares? What difference does it make if Jesus rose from the dead? It makes all the difference in the world. If Christ did not rise, then thousands of believers have died as martyrs for a hoax. If he did rise, then he is still alive and can offer peace... >Read More

Learning to Love the Girl in the Mirror

I lost my dad to suicide at the age of five. Shortly after that a family member started sexually abusing me. Several years later I lost my step dad to a horrible fire that destroyed our home. We were left with nothing except for haunting memories.  Later, I turned to drinking to ease the pain that tormented me day in and day out... >Read More

My Boy, You Need Jesus

Story told by Jeff Yellow Owl, written by Patty Duncan In 1923 the government took my grandmother from her parents and put her in a boarding school to immerse her in the white man’s culture. She remembers bumping along in a wagon, watching her home and family disappear in the rolling hills of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in...... >Read More

Expectations of the Season

What does the Christmas season promise you this year? We all have an expectation even if we rarely pull it out to look at it. For some it’s the expectation of a credit card bill that takes too long to pay. Others dream of just the perfect gift to buy. Some dread to go shopping. Some delight in family visits that are all... >Read More

Start a Faith Adventure

Jesus said that he came to make all things new. His death on the cross can have a profound impact on your life. You have to ask yourself: Is this the life for me? When asked to describe yourself do you reach for your job title? Do you define yourself by your relationships -- spouse, parent, lover, friend? Do you... >Read More

10 Spiritual Questions and Their Answers

Question 1: Why is there evil in the world? If God exists, why is there evil in the world? You know, this is a difficult stumbling block and question for many people. The simplest way to look at this question is to examine God's nature and his desire for mankind. Look at the logic. God loves us and wants us... >Read More

Seeking Enlightenment outside of Success

Profile on: Karen Faith Heller, Co-owner of CogMotion, a software technology firm Having grown up in a traditional Jewish family with several relatives who had suffered “in the name of Jesus” during the Holocaust, it’s no surprise that Karen Faith Heller wasn’t too keen on Christianity. “Jesus is okay for everybody else, but we have...... >Read More

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  • ZshuSwomi said: Feri te kis hamis! huzzodjal vissza szepen a helyedre....
  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
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