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The Christmas Story

The Gospel according to Luke (Luke 2:1-20) About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was the governor of Syria. Everyone had to travel to his hometown to be accounted for. So Joseph went from the Galilean town of Nazareth up to Bethlehem in Judah, David's hometown,... >Full Story

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In Search of the Christmas Spirit

The holidays can be challenging. If you need someone to talk to, come talk to a mentor. One Christmas, I came across an article in a local newspaper by an articulate columnist named Bill Johnson. His column was titled, "A Lesson in Catching the Christmas Spirit." Johnson began his search for the Christmas spirit at the Christmas tree lots,...... >Read More

The Spirituality of Halloween and the After-Life

by Michael Frey Eye of newt, wing of bat, toad tongue and lizard nose... Everyone knows these are the ingredients of a spooky witches' spell (or the dining hall menu for next Tuesday). And what Halloween would be complete without one? Ah Halloween, the time when everything gets a little scarier, and your dentist gets a little richer. Childhood...... >Read More

Feeling Grief

Grieving is a unique experience. It’s a process that is as individual as the people it affects. Oh yes, there are predictable stages … but the experience of losing someone dear to you is truly a very personal journey. Recently I said goodbye to my dear Dad. It’s hard to believe it was only a couple of months ago. I’ve processed... >Read More

Five Things Science Can't Explain

Watch now: How to fill the void and find purpose. Science has contributed innumerable benefits to human life on planet Earth. We should be deeply grateful for the hard work of scientists who dedicate their lives to loyal study of this discipline and the advantages scientific advances grant us. Due to its success, there is often a tendency...... >Read More

The Entrepreneur that Wins

Uncertainty. In business, and especially in the enterprise of entrepreneurship, there is an inherent amount of risk and uncertainty. One day you might be on top of the world and the next mired in anxiety as your carefully constructed empire begins to crack under the pressure. If a person chooses to put their identity into their business or their...... >Read More

Expectations of the Season

What does the Christmas season promise you this year? We all have an expectation even if we rarely pull it out to look at it. For some it’s the expectation of a credit card bill that takes too long to pay. Others dream of just the perfect gift to buy. Some dread to go shopping. Some delight in family visits that are all... >Read More

Can God & Politics Mix?

Can God and politics mix?  Is blending them a recipe for suppressing freedoms, grabbing votes, or promoting the public good? God-talk has become popular among US politicians. Leaders contemplating faith-in-action would do well to look back two centuries to William Wilberforce, the famous British parliamentarian who led a grueling but bipartisan...... >Read More

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