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Standing Out in a Tough Economy

Are you trying to get noticed and advance your career in this difficult economy? You’re going to need a strategy. S.M.A.R.T. goals can help you here. S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic and Time-bound. Specific answers the questions what, why and how?  Identify what it is that you need to accomplish. Outline... >Full Story

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Can God & Politics Mix?

Can God and politics mix?  Is blending them a recipe for suppressing freedoms, grabbing votes, or promoting the public good? God-talk has become popular among US politicians. Leaders contemplating faith-in-action would do well to look back two centuries to William Wilberforce, the famous British parliamentarian who led a grueling but bipartisan...... >Read More

Lessons In Decision-Making

Forty years after his tragic death, President John F. Kennedy continues to fascinate. A new JFK biography hit the bestseller lists. His relatives -- America's royalty to some -- are frequent newsmakers.  An intriguing facet of his legacy involves his decision-making procedures. Some brought great success, others colossal failure. In 1961, after...... >Read More

Lessons in Decision-Making

Forty years after his tragic death, President John F. Kennedy continues to fascinate. A new JFK biography hit the bestseller lists. His relatives -- America's royalty to some -- are frequent newsmakers.  An intriguing facet of his legacy involves his decision-making procedures. Some brought great success, others colossal failure. In 1961, after...... >Read More

How to Be Successful and Satisfied

Success is:______. How would you fill in the blank? "That's easy," you might say. "Success is ... for an athlete, winning the Super Bowl, the World Series, or a gold medal: for an entertainer, winning an Oscar, a Grammy, or an Emmy; for a businessperson, being a top executive with one of the Fortune 500 companies: for a university student,... >Read More


“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” ~Mother Theresa He is unaware of my presence. His eyes are closed, the patterned quilt above him faintly rising and falling. The small clock radio at his bedside blares an old country station, but the silence is overwhelming. Grandchildren innocently look out from photographs haphazardly...... >Read More

Compliance and Radar Detectors: A Lesson in the Dark

Compliance is now a no-option legislated requirement. The risks associated with non-compliance are so enormous, the penalties so severe, that only an alien could imagine ignoring these rules.  With the potential expansion of Sarbanes-Oxley and ever more stringent AML protocols, everyone in the industry has scrutiny on the brain. The intention...... >Read More

Still Scoring in the Red Zone

Profile: Spencer Tillman, successful sports broadcaster for CBS, former NFL player and captain of a Super Bowl team When the man who was about to end the life of Spencer Tillman’s mother entered her hospital room on January 23, 2002, the thirty people who were crammed around her bedside fell silent. All that could be heard was the rhythmic...... >Read More

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