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My Story

Astronomy fascinates me. I started studying it at age seven when I visited the library to find out why stars are hot. Once I found the answer to that question, I continued reading every physics and astronomy book I could get my hands on. With my dad’s help and the money I saved from collecting pop bottles, I built my first telescope at age sixteen. That’s... >Full Story

Featured Articles

The Universe: A Very Unlikely Place

The world we live in is a very unlikely place. Why is that? Some claim that God is a delusion and that religious faith is the root of all evil. But a series of remarkable scientific discoveries show that the universe we live in is a very unlikely place, precisely adjusted to make our lives possible. This is the... >Read More

Physics: Life on a Razor's Edge

We live on a razor's edge. The attributes that make the earth liveable are that precise. The values of some basic physical constants have been keenly adjusted to make our lives possible. Tiny changes in these values would mean we could not be here at all. Why are things so finely balanced to make possible life on a razors... >Read More

God or the Multiverse?

Was our finely-tuned universe specifically designed for us? Our lives wouldn't be possible without that fine-tuning. Is this because it has been designed for us, or are there a huge number of universes, and one of them is bound to be right? Is it God's work or are we part of a multiverse? This is the fifth part of... >Read More

Here By Chance or is There a Deeper Story?

The universe is precisely adjusted for life. But what does this fine-tuning really mean? Many scientists agree we're not here by chance. Does it point to the reality of a creator God? Is there a deeper story? This is the last in a six-video series exploring how recent discoveries in astronomy and physics point to the reality of the... >Read More

Cosmic Fine-Tuning: Just Luck?

Are we just lucky to be here on earth? Our existence could be more than a lucky coincidence. What if our world wasn't just a happy accident? Does cosmic fine-tuning point towards a creator God? This is the third part of a six-video series exploring how recent scientific discoveries about cosmic fine-tuning point to the reality of a Creator. Watch...... >Read More

A Fine-Tuned Universe That's Right for Us

The universe we live in is exactly right for us. The only kind of universe that could sustain us is one that is fine-tuned for life. Should we be surprised that the universe is just right for us? This is the fourth part of a six-video series exploring how recent scientific discoveries point to the reality of the Creator. Next:... >Read More

Five Things Science Can't Explain

Watch now: How to fill the void and find purpose. Science has contributed innumerable benefits to human life on planet Earth. We should be deeply grateful for the hard work of scientists who dedicate their lives to loyal study of this discipline and the advantages scientific advances grant us. Due to its success, there is often a tendency...... >Read More

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