Darren Hewer

What if you lose?

There's always a lot of excitement around a championship game.  For one team, and all of their fans, it is a momentous occasion. There's partying in the streets, massive patriotic pride, and kudos for their successful homecoming athletes. But what about the losing team? Their fans are understandably disappointed. The players, much more. For the...

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Lawyer Catches Facebook Cheaters
Lawyer Catches Facebook Cheaters

Yesterday was "Quit Facebook Day." People pledged to quit Facebook due to concerns about their privacy. In recent weeks there have been many concerns raised regarding Facebook's privacy policies, but one group of people who benefit from the openness of peoples' online information is divorce lawyers, as reported by CNN: "Facebook is a great source...

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Happiness = £42,000?
Happiness = £42,000?

"What's the price of happiness? For an average Briton, it's a home worth 500,000 pounds and an annual salary of 42,000 pounds, a new study has revealed." (rediff.com Business) For some perspective, the Global Rich List website tells us that a person earning £42,000 per year (approximately $62,500US) is in the top 1% richest people in the world. Elsewhere,...

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What Does Success Mean to You?
What Does Success Mean to You?

Recently, NHL hockey star Ilya Kovalchuk turned down a contract offer of $101,000,000 (that's a hundred and one million dollars) over 12 years.  His team, the Atlanta Thrashers, had no other option: they traded him. (Source: MSNBC) If he had accepted the contract, it would have made him the highest paid player in the NHL, generally considered...

What do you crave?
What do you crave?

Everyone has "cravings" ... desires and needs that must be fulfilled. If they aren't, then our lives themselves seem unfulfilled. It seems that no matter how much we have, or experience, we always want more. cheaper viagra levitra cialis Maybe these cravings, which can't be satisfied adequately by any of the things in this world, aren't there...