Do you crave meaning? (Part 1)

Everyone has "cravings" ... desires and needs that must be fulfilled. We can try to ignore them, deny them by calling them illusions, or fill them with meaningless things, but ultimately that won't satisfy us. Maybe these cravings, which can't be satisfied adequately by any of the things in this world, aren't there by accident. Maybe they are...

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Soul Cravings: Crave Meaning (Part 2)
Soul Cravings: Crave Meaning (Part 2)

Author of Soul Cravings, Erwin McManus, talks about humanity's intrinsic desire to find meaning. (This is Part 2, watch Part 1 here) [youtube] For more about Soul Cravings, explore the rest of our site!

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Soul Cravings: Crave Meaning (Part 1)
Soul Cravings: Crave Meaning (Part 1)

The dark side of the search for meaning. Erwin McManus, author of Soul Cravings, speaks about humanity's search for meaning. [youtube] For part two, please click here: Crave Meaning (Part 2)

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