
Is Casual Sex Losing its Zing?

Hot news from CNN:  Some university students are giving up casual sexual activity because they feel it’s not fulfilling. I am not making this up. Take, for instance, Vanderbilt University student Frannie Boyle.  She told CNN that, in the past, she sometimes drank to excess before parties and hooked up with a stranger or acquaintance before...

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Apple Says No to Porn, Kinda
Apple Says No to Porn, Kinda

Pornography is a multibillion dollar industry, but you won’t find it on your iphone, at least not officially. Several sites, include (a subsidiary of Time) reported a series of emails between Apple CEO Steve Jobs and one unsatisfied customer, Ryan Tate.  In the emails Tate asks Jobs what he think Bob Dylan (a hero of Jobs’) would...

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Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun
Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

Secrets secrets are no fun. Secrets secrets hurt someone. Everyone has secrets. I don’t care who you are; you have one, possibly two. But who are you keeping your secrets from? In a recent interview, well-known and beloved children’s author Robert Munsch shared a secret with the world. Munsch’s books like The Paper Bag Princess and...

Looking for Solid Ground
Looking for Solid Ground

We’ve all had moments when we’ve wished the ground would open up and swallow us. For one family in Quebec that’s exactly what happened.  According to reports on a 500 yard sinkhole opened up threatening five homes in the town of Saint-Jude.  One home was sucked into the hole and a family of five lost their lives.  They were in the...

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Happiness = £42,000?
Happiness = £42,000?

"What's the price of happiness? For an average Briton, it's a home worth 500,000 pounds and an annual salary of 42,000 pounds, a new study has revealed." ( Business) For some perspective, the Global Rich List website tells us that a person earning £42,000 per year (approximately $62,500US) is in the top 1% richest people in the world. Elsewhere,...

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How to Be Successful and Satisfied
How to Be Successful and Satisfied

Success is:______. How would you fill in the blank? "That's easy," you might say. "Success is ... for an athlete, winning the Super Bowl, the World Series, or a gold medal: for an entertainer, winning an Oscar, a Grammy, or an Emmy; for a businessperson, being a top executive with one of the Fortune 500 companies: for a university student, being...

Time to Change: I’ll Go First
Time to Change: I'll Go First

I used to work with a very wise woman named June. June had seen a lot of life and I loved listening to her stories.  One thing that stuck with me the most had to do with change.  She said quite simply “Don’t try to change other people.  The only person I can change is me.” She was talking about how tempting it can be to try an alter...


“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” ~Mother Theresa He is unaware of my presence. His eyes are closed, the patterned quilt above him faintly rising and falling. The small clock radio at his bedside blares an old country station, but the silence is overwhelming. Grandchildren innocently look out from photographs haphazardly...