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Do you crave destiny? (Part 1)

Do you crave destiny? Have you experienced failure in the last month? The last week? Today? Sometimes you know deep down God has something amazing He wants to do in your life ... but it still seems elusive. Your life seems to lack destiny ... and aimlessness can sometimes lead to apathy and lack of purpose. But you were not made for these things;... >Full Story

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“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” ~Mother Theresa He is unaware of my presence. His eyes are closed, the patterned quilt above him faintly rising and falling. The small clock radio at his bedside blares an old country station, but the silence is overwhelming. Grandchildren innocently look out from photographs haphazardly...... >Read More

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Take a look at your life. How would you describe it? Contented? Rushed? Exciting? Stressful? Moving forward? Holding back? For many of us it’s all of the above at times. There are things we dream of doing one day, and there are things we wish we could forget. In the Bible, it says that Jesus came to make all things new. What... >Read More

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  • ZshuSwomi said: Feri te kis hamis! huzzodjal vissza szepen a helyedre....
  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
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