
How to Be Successful and Satisfied

Success is:______. How would you fill in the blank? "That's easy," you might say. "Success is ... for an athlete, winning the Super Bowl, the World Series, or a gold medal: for an entertainer, winning an Oscar, a Grammy, or an Emmy; for a businessperson, being a top executive with one of the Fortune 500 companies: for a university student, being...

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Helping the Homeless, Practicality Please
Helping the Homeless, Practicality Please

With the Olympics coming to town, one cannot help but be aware of the concern over the homeless population.  It has been a topic front and center since we first learned that Vancouver would be holding the 2010 games.  In 2006, CTV was already reporting that the homeless population in the city may have tripled, producing numbers of up to 3000 people...

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What do you hope for in 2010?
What do you hope for in 2010?

It was almost 15 years ago that the Spice Girls implored us, “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.” (Sorry for the earworm.)   The mystery of what they were actually singing has long been solved, (“really really really wanna zigazig ha” still makes no sense) but many of us are still trying to answer that first question. ...


Every night before bed, I tuck my daughter in and she tells me what she wants to dream about. Some nights she chooses to dream of Tinkerbell.  Other nights it’s playing with cousins and dancing on clouds.  Butterflies are a constant staple.  These are good choices for my little four year old. In a small way, I envy my daughter.  She’s...

Does God Really Care?
Does God Really Care?

Where is God when disaster strikes? Whether it comes wreaking havoc in our private world or whether we see it in mammoth proportions on our TV screen, we can’t help but question and wonder. Does God care when tragedy sweeps in unexpectedly and tears at the very fiber of our being with inexpressible grief? The answer is “yes!” Yet to find the...

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