Closet Issues

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Free at Last

In 1971, the troubles in Northern Ireland were increasingly becoming a danger to myself and to my children. We were in constant danger from bombs and bullets. This was nothing new. Every day, on the radio, we listened to a horror story of suffering. Our personal horror came one night when we were awakened by two gunmen. One stood at the end of... >Full Story

Featured Articles

Remembering September 11th

On September 11, 2001 I said my first prayer. My son was a police officer with the New York Police Department. As I sat watching the Twin Towers burn, at first I thought that he was fine since he worked a desk job at One Police Plaza. But what if he went over to help? “Please God,” I said, “if... >Read More

Finding True Love

As an Officer Cadet, it was not difficult to get dates. The uniform and the invitations to military balls ensured a steady supply of girls who were willing to date me. Kingston also had a hospital with a resident nurse’s training program and a civilian university, so there were always girls living away from home and seeking companionship. I...... >Read More

The Man Behind the Weapon

A giant of a man weighing over 300 pounds, Carl Swaboda of Vienna is reputed to be the only man in athletic history that has raised aloft more than 400 pounds. But you might wonder if other less publicly known men somewhere else in the world could actually lift more. Throughout history the strongest men of the land were often... >Read More

The Moon Is Not Enough

I volunteered for the space program for the thrill of adventure. Believe me, waiting for take-off while sitting on top of a Saturn rocket that’s 120 meters tall and weighs six-and-a-half million pounds—that’s excitement! I knew I was in for one great ride! But what can top 11 days in space and 3 days trekking around the moon? I was... >Read More

The Goal of My Life

They call the winning goal I scored in the last game of the 1972 Canada/Russia hockey series 'The Goal of the Century.' I still get a warm feeling when I think about it. Fear is one of the best motivators, and I was very afraid that I would be part of the team that lost to the Russians. Canada is... >Read More

The Quest for Acceptance

My life has been a quest for recognition and acceptance. A mid-childhood immigration experience left me at a cultural disadvantage in Canadian sports. I found solace in the army cadet corps and “nerd-like” achievements. Family finances and positive experiences in the Canadian militia reduced higher education options to one: enroll in the Regular...... >Read More

Are Truth and Love in the Stars?

As long as I can remember, I've been looking for truth and love. Truth, because I'm gullible and I have been hurt as a result. Love, because I felt insecure and lonely. I figured that there must be someone I could trust to open myself up to who would not ridicule me. As I looked for truth and love... >Read More

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  • mbaillie said: I have a study publication about the light and would...
  • anthony agee said: Believe all the bible ? Think a John 8:44 person...
  • Tom said: Ted Hickox-- Thanks for your comment, and I hope...
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