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Forgiveness Is Not A Feeling

Learning to forgive is CRITICAL to building a healthy marriage. We’ve only had “little” offenses to forgive each other on this first year, but I’m not going to kid myself that “little” hurts are all that’ll ever touch our marriage.  Even so, in this first year I’ve had plenty of opportunities to practice forgiveness (and so has my... >Full Story

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How do I change my controlling ways?

While I was surfing the web I came across an article on husbands with control issues. After reading several articles on traits of a controlling husband, I can see that I fit the description. My wife, whom I love with all my heart, is at her wits end with my constant concern of 'time watching' when she comes home... >Read More

How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage

What are some of the warning signs of entering a potentially compromising relationship? How can you safeguard your marriage? How do you know when your spouse’s needs aren’t being met? In this short video clip, Dr. Dave Currie, host of new TV show Marriage Uncensored, discusses some of these questions with marital therapist Kirby Hanawalt....... >Read More

Life out of Death

It seems like yesterday I woke up to find my husband slumped over the dining room table. I tried to wake him but his hand was cold. As I read the letter on the table, I couldn't believe it. Though he said he loved me, my husband had committed suicide by drug overdose. I was in shock for the... >Read More

The Moon Is Not Enough

I volunteered for the space program for the thrill of adventure. Believe me, waiting for take-off while sitting on top of a Saturn rocket that’s 120 meters tall and weighs six-and-a-half million pounds—that’s excitement! I knew I was in for one great ride! But what can top 11 days in space and 3 days trekking around the moon? I was... >Read More

Commitment and Faithfulness in Relationships

Commuting with four carpool buddies offers ample opportunity to chew the fat, so one day I posed the question: What’s the difference between commitment and faithfulness? After a few rounds of debate the jury was in: Commitment is our intent to stay in relationship with our wives; faithfulness is the practice of doing so. That said, let’s admit...... >Read More

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  • mbaillie said: I have a study publication about the light and would...
  • anthony agee said: Believe all the bible ? Think a John 8:44 person...
  • Tom said: Ted Hickox-- Thanks for your comment, and I hope...
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