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A Few Weeks Later

Loneliness - it may be what we fear the most. Maybe that's why we're afraid to reach out to others, because we fear that they won't understand what we're going through. Do you deal with loneliness? Have you experienced a loss like the one in this video? How did you cope? Tell us about it. Related Articles: Life lesson: Dealing with Loneliness Coping... >Full Story

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Winning Ways

They said I was too small, that I didn't have the strength, that I wouldn't cut it. It has been tough. Sometimes I still feel that I don't have the height or strength to go out and compete against the bigger guys. But I found it takes a lot more than physical size or strength to make it in life... >Read More

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Olympic Skater Delivers Speed - With a Smile

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  • mbaillie said: I have a study publication about the light and would...
  • anthony agee said: Believe all the bible ? Think a John 8:44 person...
  • Tom said: Ted Hickox-- Thanks for your comment, and I hope...
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