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Finding Some Peace on Earth

"Silent night, Holy night. All is calm, all is bright..." The carols try to tell us that this is a calm and silent time of year. But for most of us, the weeks leading up to Christmas can be anything but calm. You know the drill: office parties, shopping, baking, wrapping, relatives, Christmas plays and everyone's favorite - family pictures. It's... >Full Story

Featured Articles

Summer Picnic Food Ideas

We're finally seeing the signs of summer: long days, warm breezes, red sunsets and of course, fresh food. British Columbia, Canada, is bountiful with locally-grown, in season produce choices. Now is the time to experiment with colourful, creative menu ideas. The more colour, the more nutrients. So whether life is a picnic, a backyard barbecue, or...... >Read More

9/11 and You

My sister had a 9:00 a.m. appointment at the World Trade Center. On September 12. Since September 11, 2001, I've often wondered what might have happened had her appointment been a day earlier or the terrorist attacks a day later. I could have been walking the streets of New York City with her picture. What were your feelings that tragic...... >Read More

How to Help a Person in Crisis

After meeting the more urgent physical needs (like providing food, water, shelter, and medical care), the person might be ready to talk about his or her trauma. Below we give you some examples on how to help someone deal with the psychological impact of the crisis. What might be the most important thing you can do is give the... >Read More

Being Single: A Different Kind of Freedom

There are more than enough top 10 lists out there pointing out the benefits of being single. The pros of why being without a mate produces all these side effects that beg to be recognized. You know the ones I’m talking about. Sometimes they come off sympathetic, some patronizing, some like propaganda, and often times far from genuine. It wasn’t...... >Read More

Airforce Pilot at a Crossroad

The Canadian Forces took me, Major Wes Bowers, around the world. An air force pilot for 20 years, I flew missions in the Gulf War, served in UN headquarters as a staff officer in Somalia and as a UN peacekeeper in Lebanon, Israel, and Syria. And along the way, I went from being a peacekeeper to working for the... >Read More

Finding Healing After Betrayal

Interview of Will Ludy* (names have been changed). Written by L. Wang. I was desperate, dissatisfied and in great despair that Saturday night I ran with Debra to the church for help. For 12 years, my wife and I had been hiding our broken and dishonest marriage beneath the veneer of the happy and “normal” couple. We had to break... >Read More

The Rock

I based my whole life on a t-shirt which read: "Basketball is life and the rest is details." I had finally reached the pinnacle of my basketball career. All the sacrifices, hard work, and persistence had finally paid off. I was going to the 1996 Olympic Games. We were representing Canada, competing against the world's best, chasing after a gold...... >Read More

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  • mbaillie said: I have a study publication about the light and would...
  • anthony agee said: Believe all the bible ? Think a John 8:44 person...
  • Tom said: Ted Hickox-- Thanks for your comment, and I hope...
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