Closet Issues

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Filling the Void

My military career was off to a great start. I was on the college rowing team, had the position of Recruit Section Commander, and was performing well academically. I was popular with many great friends. I had everything going for me and life couldn’t be much better. Yet I still felt empty inside. It was as if I filled myself with so much... >Full Story

Featured Articles

I tried to be good enough

My parents divorced when I was four. My mom lavished attention on me. I grew up to be an open and social person. I could find a common language with almost any stranger. Acquaintances quickly became friends. There came a point where I began to notice my friends. They lied, cheated and betrayed me and each other. I protested, but... >Read More

Enduring Torture in a POW Camp

Profile on:  Brigadier General (ret.) Robinson Risner, veteran pilot If you fall off a horse, as the old saying goes, the best thing you can do is dust yourself off and get back on before you lose your nerve. Few people realize the truth of this adage better than Brigadier General (ret.) Robinson Risner of Austin, Texas. As a veteran pilot... >Read More

Strange Road to Success

All my life, I wanted to be a head football coach of an NFL team more than anything else. At times, I even wanted it more than God or my family. I bought right into the world's game plan. In my eyes, being a head coach would give me all the things I wanted, things like money and prestige.... >Read More

Winning Ways

They said I was too small, that I didn't have the strength, that I wouldn't cut it. It has been tough. Sometimes I still feel that I don't have the height or strength to go out and compete against the bigger guys. But I found it takes a lot more than physical size or strength to make it in life... >Read More

Finding Healing After Betrayal

Interview of Will Ludy* (names have been changed). Written by L. Wang. I was desperate, dissatisfied and in great despair that Saturday night I ran with Debra to the church for help. For 12 years, my wife and I had been hiding our broken and dishonest marriage beneath the veneer of the happy and “normal” couple. We had to break... >Read More

The Rock

I based my whole life on a t-shirt which read: "Basketball is life and the rest is details." I had finally reached the pinnacle of my basketball career. All the sacrifices, hard work, and persistence had finally paid off. I was going to the 1996 Olympic Games. We were representing Canada, competing against the world's best, chasing after a gold...... >Read More

An Unexpected Life

He told me with a pair of diamond earrings. “Happy birthday,” my husband said, his eyes glassy. I knew something was wrong. My birthday was still a few weeks away. Then David said it: he was going to Iraq. He’d received orders that his squadron would be deployed in a few weeks, and he would be leaving for war… on... >Read More

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  • mbaillie said: I have a study publication about the light and would...
  • anthony agee said: Believe all the bible ? Think a John 8:44 person...
  • Tom said: Ted Hickox-- Thanks for your comment, and I hope...
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