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Finding Some Peace on Earth

"Silent night, Holy night. All is calm, all is bright..." The carols try to tell us that this is a calm and silent time of year. But for most of us, the weeks leading up to Christmas can be anything but calm. You know the drill: office parties, shopping, baking, wrapping, relatives, Christmas plays and everyone's favorite - family pictures. It's... >Full Story

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10 Tips for a Less Stressful Holiday

Does your Christmas spirit get lost in the frenzy this time of year? Is your household so hectic during December that it could drive even Bob Cratchit to tear out his hair? Well, you might as well face the fact that not even the Grinch can stop Christmas from coming; so we must learn strategies for surviving the holidays with... >Read More

Think Before You Buy

The Top 10 Gifts You Shouldn’t Buy Your Wife This Christmas OK, let’s be honest. Sometimes men are bad at choosing gifts. Your intentions are good, but pick the wrong gift and you send the wrong message. So before you go out and buy a present for your wife, girlfriend or whoever that lovely lady is in your life, be... >Read More

Feeling Grief

Grieving is a unique experience. It’s a process that is as individual as the people it affects. Oh yes, there are predictable stages … but the experience of losing someone dear to you is truly a very personal journey. Recently I said goodbye to my dear Dad. It’s hard to believe it was only a couple of months ago. I’ve processed... >Read More

A Penny Saved: Ten Painless Ways to Save

In these uncertain economic times, we’re all looking to save a little money, especially if we can do it without changing our lifestyle. Here are ten ways you can do just that. Taken together and applied over even a few months, they could make a noticeable difference to your family’s budget. The “small stuff” pays off. Pennies and nickels...... >Read More

Expectations of the Season

What does the Christmas season promise you this year? We all have an expectation even if we rarely pull it out to look at it. For some it’s the expectation of a credit card bill that takes too long to pay. Others dream of just the perfect gift to buy. Some dread to go shopping. Some delight in family visits that are all... >Read More

Origins of Popular Expressions and Sayings

Ever wondered where some of our popular expressions come from? Often an eloquent and original phrase which becomes part of common vernacular language finds its origins in literature. One of the most common sources for such phrases or idioms is the Bible. Having about 775,000 words, there is plenty of material there to mine for literary gems, and...... >Read More

Lessons In Decision-Making

Forty years after his tragic death, President John F. Kennedy continues to fascinate. A new JFK biography hit the bestseller lists. His relatives -- America's royalty to some -- are frequent newsmakers.  An intriguing facet of his legacy involves his decision-making procedures. Some brought great success, others colossal failure. In 1961, after...... >Read More

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