Sex And Love

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Forgiveness Is Not A Feeling

Learning to forgive is CRITICAL to building a healthy marriage. We’ve only had “little” offenses to forgive each other on this first year, but I’m not going to kid myself that “little” hurts are all that’ll ever touch our marriage.  Even so, in this first year I’ve had plenty of opportunities to practice forgiveness (and so has my... >Full Story

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Think Before You Buy

The Top 10 Gifts You Shouldn’t Buy Your Wife This Christmas OK, let’s be honest. Sometimes men are bad at choosing gifts. Your intentions are good, but pick the wrong gift and you send the wrong message. So before you go out and buy a present for your wife, girlfriend or whoever that lovely lady is in your life, be... >Read More

Holidays Hard On Love?

Did you realize that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time spouses and family members are most ignored? Why? We get so busy doing things for our families that we don't take the time to spend with them. So take a few moments and express your devotion to each other. Are you mutually devoted? Then declare it! There... >Read More

How to Survive Your Spouses’ Affair

If you are dealing with an unfaithful spouse, the pain you are feeling unfortunately comes with the territory.  The consequences of an affair are overwhelming and horrifically painful.  I have heard it likened to post traumatic stress syndrome.  You are in a place you never expected to be. Here are a few things that will help you navigate this...... >Read More

Intimacy, Sex & Scandals

The headlines proclaimed the potential fall of another celebrity. The scandal began with a car crash in the middle of the night.  Shortly after, photos of a mistress surfaced and we all heard a voicemail recording threaten to tear another family apart. Tiger Woods, who has spent his career sporting a squeaky clean image now is cloaked with scandal. These...... >Read More

A Cinderella Story

I grew up wanting to get married and live happily ever after, just like Cinderella. When Charlie proposed to me, I carefully laid the groundwork for my dream. “I’m going to put you first in my life,” I said. “Will you put me first in your life?” He said he would. But, literally, as soon as the honeymoon was... >Read More

Home Alone for the Holidays

Christmas, they tell us, is 'the most wonderful time of the year'.  What they don't tell us is what we're supposed to do when it isn't. As the cards and carols like to remind us, Christmas is a time for families and togetherness, peace and well being for all. If only the problems in life paid more attention... >Read More

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  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
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