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Does life have a backstory? There are seven billion people in the world. Seven billion stories. And yet there are themes in our stories that are universal: betrayal, love, romance, redemption, sacrifice. The question—and it’s a really big question—is if there’s a larger story or narrative to which all our stories relate, one that... >Full Story

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Awaken Love

Okay, that's a really corny title, but I've been thinking for a while about the verse in Song of Solomon which says, "Do not awaken love until it is ready." I think some of us have let our love be awakened too early, or too abruptly, and so it never really woke at all. Several routes to this disastrous awakening exist. The first... >Read More

Holidays Hard On Love?

Did you realize that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the time spouses and family members are most ignored? Why? We get so busy doing things for our families that we don't take the time to spend with them. So take a few moments and express your devotion to each other. Are you mutually devoted? Then declare it! There... >Read More

Thirst: What Are You Thirsting For?

Many people thirst for meaning in life. Do you strive for popularity and acceptance? Are you longing to belong? We're often reminded of what we lack when we search for our self-worth in others. A thirst for love and intimacy is often behind that search. Trying to satisfy our thirst can be difficult. Striving for perfection in relationships can be...... >Read More

Intimacy, Sex & Scandals

The headlines proclaimed the potential fall of another celebrity. The scandal began with a car crash in the middle of the night.  Shortly after, photos of a mistress surfaced and we all heard a voicemail recording threaten to tear another family apart. Tiger Woods, who has spent his career sporting a squeaky clean image now is cloaked with scandal. These...... >Read More

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  • ZshuSwomi said: Feri te kis hamis! huzzodjal vissza szepen a helyedre....
  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
  • Marty Pace said: My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net...