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Do you crave destiny? (Part 1)

Do you crave destiny? Have you experienced failure in the last month? The last week? Today? Sometimes you know deep down God has something amazing He wants to do in your life ... but it still seems elusive. Your life seems to lack destiny ... and aimlessness can sometimes lead to apathy and lack of purpose. But you were not made for these things;... >Full Story

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Home for Christmas

Are you lonely this Christmas? Come talk to a mentor. In 1962 I was preaching in Indianapolis, Indiana. I was single and it was Christmas time. I was heading home to Michigan to enjoy the holidays with my family. It was an extremely cold day and it was snowing. The wind was howling out of the north, blowing thick clouds of... >Read More

Thirst: What Are You Thirsting For?

Many people thirst for meaning in life. Do you strive for popularity and acceptance? Are you longing to belong? We're often reminded of what we lack when we search for our self-worth in others. A thirst for love and intimacy is often behind that search. Trying to satisfy our thirst can be difficult. Striving for perfection in relationships can be...... >Read More

Here By Chance or is There a Deeper Story?

The universe is precisely adjusted for life. But what does this fine-tuning really mean? Many scientists agree we're not here by chance. Does it point to the reality of a creator God? Is there a deeper story? This is the last in a six-video series exploring how recent discoveries in astronomy and physics point to the reality of the... >Read More

Learning to Love the Girl in the Mirror

I lost my dad to suicide at the age of five. Shortly after that a family member started sexually abusing me. Several years later I lost my step dad to a horrible fire that destroyed our home. We were left with nothing except for haunting memories.  Later, I turned to drinking to ease the pain that tormented me day in and day out... >Read More

The Spirituality of Halloween and the After-Life

by Michael Frey Eye of newt, wing of bat, toad tongue and lizard nose... Everyone knows these are the ingredients of a spooky witches' spell (or the dining hall menu for next Tuesday). And what Halloween would be complete without one? Ah Halloween, the time when everything gets a little scarier, and your dentist gets a little richer. Childhood...... >Read More

Feeling Grief

Grieving is a unique experience. It’s a process that is as individual as the people it affects. Oh yes, there are predictable stages … but the experience of losing someone dear to you is truly a very personal journey. Recently I said goodbye to my dear Dad. It’s hard to believe it was only a couple of months ago. I’ve processed... >Read More

My Boy, You Need Jesus

Story told by Jeff Yellow Owl, written by Patty Duncan In 1923 the government took my grandmother from her parents and put her in a boarding school to immerse her in the white man’s culture. She remembers bumping along in a wagon, watching her home and family disappear in the rolling hills of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in...... >Read More

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  • ZshuSwomi said: Feri te kis hamis! huzzodjal vissza szepen a helyedre....
  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
  • Marty Pace said: My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net...