
My Soul

[youtube] My soul craves God.  It may sound like a cliché, but it’s true.  God loves me.  He loves you, too. Regardless of what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, God wants to be a part of your life. The best known verse in the Bible is John 3:16.  In The Message it’s...

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Can Trust Be More Important Than the Truth?
Can Trust Be More Important Than the Truth?

I seek authenticity.  It’s pure and true and it makes me feel like I’m in a safe and trusting place. When there is truth, things line up with each other.  When something is true, there are facts that support it.   Truth also stands the test of time.  There is an authoritative certification that something is what it is claimed to be. I...

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What Do You Want To Believe In?
What Do You Want To Believe In?

"What do you want to believe in?"  This question intrigues me. It suggests that I have a choice in what I believe in.  I thought I either believe or don’t.    I want to believe in what is true.  I look at the varying ways people we believe we are created and I realize that in all probability only one belief is correct and all the others are...

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Has Love Ever Left You Gutted?

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Have You Ever Stopped Caring for People Around You?
Have You Ever Stopped Caring for People Around You?

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Is There Room for Dreams in a Grown-Up Life?
Is There Room for Dreams in a Grown-Up Life?

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Can You Connect to God Without Religion?
Can You Connect to God Without Religion?

Is there a difference between God and Religion? There is definitely a difference between God and religion.  God is someone I have a relationship with.  My view on God can be altered by many factors in my life.  It can be affected by my relationship with my own father or even by my culture and the people I spend time with. I see religion is...