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The Entrepreneur that Wins

Uncertainty. In business, and especially in the enterprise of entrepreneurship, there is an inherent amount of risk and uncertainty. One day you might be on top of the world and the next mired in anxiety as your carefully constructed empire begins to crack under the pressure. If a person chooses to put their identity into their business or their... >Full Story

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Why Did God Allow This Disaster? Talk about it.

On January 12, 2010 a devastating earthquake hit Haiti just a few miles south of the capitol. The US Geological Survey reports that the initial quake registered 7.0 on the Richter scale, with aftershocks registering as high as 5.9.  The Richter scale considers 7.0 a major quake and notes that at 5.9 even the aftershock “can cause major damage...... >Read More

Intimacy, Sex & Scandals

The headlines proclaimed the potential fall of another celebrity. The scandal began with a car crash in the middle of the night.  Shortly after, photos of a mistress surfaced and we all heard a voicemail recording threaten to tear another family apart. Tiger Woods, who has spent his career sporting a squeaky clean image now is cloaked with scandal. These...... >Read More

Start a Faith Adventure

Jesus said that he came to make all things new. His death on the cross can have a profound impact on your life. You have to ask yourself: Is this the life for me? When asked to describe yourself do you reach for your job title? Do you define yourself by your relationships -- spouse, parent, lover, friend? Do you... >Read More

What Makes Sense?

Have you ever wondered why the Bible never attempts to prove God exists? After all, God is the main character in the book.  Furthermore, the Bible purports to tell us who God is, what He wants and how we should live.  The Bible has been used by more than one religion to provide proof for all kinds of rules... >Read More

Eddie Kennison: Life on Purpose

Story written by Kevin Miller, story told by Eddie Kennison, #87-Wide Receiver, Kansas City Chiefs My wife was rushed to the hospital on a Thursday night. She had started experiencing some strange symptoms the previous evening. Now she was unconscious. Things were getting serious fast. One day passed, and then another. The doctors ran all sorts...... >Read More

Compliance and Radar Detectors: A Lesson in the Dark

Compliance is now a no-option legislated requirement. The risks associated with non-compliance are so enormous, the penalties so severe, that only an alien could imagine ignoring these rules.  With the potential expansion of Sarbanes-Oxley and ever more stringent AML protocols, everyone in the industry has scrutiny on the brain. The intention...... >Read More

Jason Dunn - Questions That Matter

In the small town where I grew up, there weren’t a lot of religions to choose from. People either believed in God or they didn’t. And if they did, they went to church, as my family did. When I went to college though, my neatly ordered world suddenly exploded. For the first time in my life, I encountered people who... >Read More

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  • ZshuSwomi said: Feri te kis hamis! huzzodjal vissza szepen a helyedre....
  • Rosa McLerie said: When the curry base hits the pan you want it ca...
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